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Re: Theos-World Re: Secret code in "Isis Unveiled"?

Nov 14, 2007 04:17 PM
by Drpsionic

The biggest problem she had was sending telegrams with it.

Chuck the Heretic 

-----Original Message-----
From: christinaleestemaker <>
Sent: Wed, 14 Nov 2007 3:06 pm
Subject: Theos-World Re: Secret code in "Isis Unveiled"?

No in the book Isis unveiled as mentioned pag 394-405
HPB wrote this secret alphabet used by sovereigns of freemansonry and 
Rosecrusians and knights of Heredom and Kadosh and much more.

I copied the pages here under, but it is a pity the copy does not 
show the tables on alphabet and hieroglyf of Kad.

see by yourself on 
Isis Unveiled by H. P. Blavatsky -- Vol. 2

Theosophical University Press Online Edition 
to be find through

Vr gr christina


The Sohar and Rabbi Simeon . . . 348
The Order of Jesuits and its relation to some of the Masonic orders
. . . 352
Crimes permitted to its members . . . 355
Principles of Jesuitry compared with those of Pagan moralists . . . 
Trinity of man in Egyptian Book of the Dead . . . 367
Freemasonry no longer esoteric . . . 372
Persecution of Templars by the Church . . . 381
Secret Masonic ciphers . . . 395
Jehovah not the "Ineffable Name" . . . 398


square hats are worn unto this day by the Armenian priests. The claim 
that the cross is purely a Christian symbol introduced after our era, 
is strange indeed, when we find Ezekiel stamping the foreheads of the 
men of Judah, who feared the Lord (Ezekiel ix. 4), with the signa 
Thau, as it is translated in the Vulgate. In the ancient Hebrew this 
sign was formed thus but in the original Egyptian hieroglyphics as a 
perfect Christian cross . In the Revelation, also, the "Alpha and 
Omega" (spirit and matter), the first and the last, stamps the name 
of his Father in the foreheads of the elect.

And if our statements are wrong, if Jesus was not an initiate, a 
Master-builder, or Master-Mason as it is now called, how comes it, 
that on the most ancient cathedrals we find his figure with Mason's 
marks about his person? In the Cathedral of Santa Croce, Florence, 
over the main portal can be seen the figure of Christ holding a 
perfect square in his hand.

The surviving "Master-builders" of the operative craft of the true 
Temple, may go literally half-naked and wander slipshod for ever -- 
now not for the sake of a puerile ceremony, but because, like the 
"Son of man," they have not where to lay their heads -- and yet be 
the only surviving possessors of the "Word." Their "cable-tow" is the 
sacred triple cord of certain Brahman-Sannyasi, or the string on 
which certain lamas hang their yu-stone; but with these apparently 
valueless talismans, not one of them would part for all the wealth of 
Solomon and Sheba. The seven-knotted bamboo stick of the fakir can 
become as powerful as the rod of Moses "which was created between the 
evenings, and on which was engraven and set forth the great and 
glorious NAME, with which he was to do the wonders in Mizraim."

But these "operative workmen" have no fear that their secrets will be 
disclosed by treacherous ex-high priests of chapters, though their 
generation may have received them through others than "Moses, 
Solomon, and Zerubbabel." Had Moses Michael Hayes, the Israelite 
Brother who introduced Royal Arch Masonry into this country (in 
December, 1778),* had a prophetic presentiment of future treasons, he 
might have instituted more efficacious obligations than he has.

Truly, the grand omnific Royal Arch word, "long lost but now found," 
has fulfilled its prophetic promise. The password of that degree is 
no more "I AM THAT I AM." It is now simply "I was but am no more!"

[[Footnote(s)]] -------------------------------------------------

* The first Grand Chapter was instituted at Philadelphia, in 1797.

[[Vol. 2, Page]] 394 ISIS UNVEILED.

That we may not be accused of vain boasting, we shall give the keys 
to several of the secret ciphers of the most exclusive and important 
of the so-called higher Masonic degrees. If we mistake not, these 
have never before been revealed to the outside world (except that of 
the Royal Arch Masons, in 1830), but have been most jealously guarded 
within the various Orders. We are under neither promise, obligation, 
nor oath; and therefore violate no confidence. Our purpose is not to 
gratify an idle curiosity; we wish merely to show Masons and the 
affiliates of all other Western societies -- the Company of Jesus 
included -- that it is impossible for them to be secure in the 
possession of any secrets that it is worth an Eastern Brotherhood's 
while to discover. Inferentially, it may also show them that if the 
latter can lift the masks of European societies, they are 
nevertheless successful in wearing their own visors; for, if any one 
thing is universally acknowledged, it is that the real secrets of not 
a single surviving ancient brotherhood are in possession of the 

Some of these ciphers were used by the Jesuits in their secret 
correspondence at the time of the Jacobin conspiracy, and when 
Masonry (the alleged successor to the Temple) was employed by the 
Church for political purposes.

Findel says (see his History of Freemasonry, p. 253) that in the 
eighteenth century, "besides the modern Knights Templar, we see the 
Jesuits . . . disfiguring the fair face of Freemasonry. Many Masonic 
authors, who were fully cognizant of the period, and knew exactly all 
the incidents occurring, positively assert that then and still later 
the Jesuits exercised a pernicious influence, or at least endeavored 
to do so, upon the fraternity." Of the Rosicrucian Order he remarks, 
upon the authority of Prof. Woog, that its "aim at first . . . was 
nothing less than the support and advancement of Catholicism. When 
this religion manifested a determination entirely to repress liberty 
of thought . . . the Rosicrucians enlarged their designs likewise to 
check, if possible, the progress of this widely-spreading 

In the Sincerus Renatus (the truly converted) of S. Richter, of 
Berlin (1714), we note that laws were communicated for the government 
of the "Golden Rosicrucians," which "bear unmistakable evidences of 
Jesuitical intervention."

We will begin with the cryptographs of the "Sovereign Princes Rose 
Croix," also styled Knights of St. Andrew, Knights of the Eagle and 
Pelican, Heredom, Rosae Crucis, Rosy Cross, Triple Cross, Perfect 
Brother, Prince Mason, and so on. The "Heredom Rosy Cross" also 
claims a Templar origin, in 1314.*
[[Footnote(s)]] -------------------------------------------------

* See Yarker's "Notes on the Mysteries of Antiquity," p. 153.

[[Vol. 2, Page]] 395 SECRET CIPHERS EXPOSED.

The Knights Kadosh have another cipher -- or rather hieroglyph -- 
which, in this case, is taken from the Hebrew, possibly to be the 
more in keeping with the Bible Kadeshim of the Temple.*
[[Footnote(s)]] -------------------------------------------------

* See 2 Kings, xxiii. 7, Hebrew text, and English, the former 
especially. In the degree of Kadosh, a lecture is given upon the 
descent of Masonry through Moses, Solomon, the Essenes, and the 
Templars. Christian K. K.'s may get some light as to the kind of 
"Temple" their ancestors would, in such a genealogical descent, have 
been attached to, by consulting verse 13 of the same chapter as above 

[[Vol. 2, Page]] 396 ISIS UNVEILED.

As for the Royal Arch cipher, it has been exposed before now, but we 
may as well present it slightly amplified.

This cipher consists of certain combinations of right angles, with or 
without points or dots. Following is the basis of its Formation.

[[Vol. 2, Page]] 397 JESUIT CRYPTOGRAPHY.

Now, the alphabet consists of twenty-six letters, and these two signs 
being dissected, form thirteen distinct characters, thus:

[[Vol. 2, Page]] 398 ISIS UNVEILED.

Let this suffice. We might, if we chose, give the cipher alphabets 
with their keys, of another method of the Royal Arch Masons, strongly 
resembling a certain Hindu character; of the G El of the Mystic City; 
of a well-known form of the Devanagari script of the (French) Sages 
of the Pyramids; and of the Sublime Master of the Great Work, and 
others. But we refrain; only, be it understood, for the reason that 
some of these alone of all the side branches of the original Blue 
Lodge Freemasonry, contain the promise of a useful future. As for the 
rest, they may and will go to the ash-heap of time. High Masons will 
understand what we mean.

We must now give some proofs of what we have stated, and demonstrate 
that the word Jehovah, if Masonry adheres to it, will ever remain as 
a substitute, never be identical with the lost mirific name. This is 
so well known to the kabalists, that in their careful etymology of 
the they show it beyond doubt to be only one of the many substitutes 
for the real name, and composed of the two-fold name of the first 
androgyne -- Adam and Eve, Jod (or Yodh), Vau and He-Va -- the female 
serpent as a symbol of Divine Intelligence proceeding from the ONE-
Generative or Creative Spirit.* Thus, Jehovah is not the sacred name 
at all. Had Moses given to Pharaoh the true "name," the latter would 
not have answered as he did, for the Egyptian King-Initiates knew it 
as well as Moses, who had learned it with them. The "name" was at 
that time the common property of the adepts of all the nations in the 
world, and Pharaoh knew certainly the "name" of the Highest God 
mentioned in the Book of the Dead. But instead of that, Moses (if we 
accept the allegory of Exodus literally), gives Pharaoh the name of 
Yeva, the expression or form of the Divine name used by all the 
Targums as passed by Moses. Hence Pharaoh's reply: "And who is that 
Yeva** that I should obey his voice?"

"Jehovah" dates only from the Masoretic innovation. When the Rabbis, 
for fear that they should lose the keys to their own doctrines, then 
written exclusively in consonants, began to insert their vowel-points 
in their manuscripts, they were utterly ignorant of the true 
pronunciation of the NAME. Hence, they gave it the sound of Adonah, 
and made it read Ja-ho-vah. Thus the latter is simply a fancy, a 
perversion of the Holy Name. And how could they know it? Alone, out 
of all their nation the high priests had it in their possession, and 
respectively passed it to their successors, as the Hindu Brahmatma 
does before his death. Once a year only, on the day of atonement, the 
high priest was
[[Footnote(s)]] -------------------------------------------------

* See Eliphas Levi's "Dogme et Rituel," Vol. i.

** Yeva is Heva, the feminine counterpart of Jehovah-Binah.

[[Vol. 2, Page]] 399 THE PRIEST BEHIND THE VEIL.

allowed to pronounce it in a whisper. Passing behind the veil into 
the inner chamber of the sanctuary, the Holy of Holies, with 
trembling lips and downcast eyes he called upon the dreaded NAME. The 
bitter persecution of the kabalists, who received the precious 
syllables after deserving the favor by a whole life of sanctity, was 
due to a suspicion that they misused it. At the opening of this 
chapter we have told the story of Simeon Ben-Iochai, one of the 
victims to this priceless knowledge, and see how little he deserved 
his cruel treatment.

The Book of Jasher, a work -- as we are told by a very learned Hebrew 
divine, of New York -- composed in Spain in the twelfth century as "a 
popular tale," and that had not "the sanction of the Rabbinical 
College of Venice," is full of kabalistical, alchemical, and magical 
allegories. Admitting so much, it must still be said that there are 
few popular tales but are based on historical truths. The Norsemen in 
Iceland, by Dr. G. W. Dasent, is also a collection of popular tales, 
but they contain the key to the primitive religious worship of that 
people. So with the Book of Jasher. It contains the whole of the Old 
Testament in a condensed form, and as the Samaritans held, i.e., the 
five Books of Moses, without the Prophets. Although rejected by the 
orthodox Rabbis, we cannot help thinking that, as in the case of the 
apocryphal Gospels, which were written earlier than the canonical 
ones, the Book of Jasher is the true original from which the 
subsequent Bible was in part composed. Both the apocryphal Gospels 
and Jasher, are a series of religious tales, in which miracle is 
heaped upon miracle, and which narrate the popular legends as they 
first originated, without any regard to either chronology or dogma. 
Still both are corner-stones of the Mosaic and Christian religions. 
That there was a Book of Jasher prior to the Mosaic Pentateuch is 
clear, for it is mentioned in Joshua, Isaiah, and 2 Samuel.

Nowhere is the difference between the Elohists and Jehovists so 
clearly shown as in Jasher. Jehovah is here spoken of as the Ophites 
held him to be, a Son of Ilda-Baoth, or Saturn. In this Book, the 
Egyptian Magi, when asked by Pharaoh "Who is he, of whom Moses speaks 
as the I am?" reply that the God of Moses "we have learned, is the 
Son of the Wise, the Son of ancient kings" (ch. lxxix. 45).* Now, 
those who assert that Jasher is a forgery of the twelfth century -- 
and we readily believe it -- should nevertheless explain the curious 
fact that, while the above text is not to be found in the Bible, the 
answer to it is,
[[Footnote(s)]] -------------------------------------------------

* We find a very suggestive point in connection with this appellation 
of Jehovah, "Son of ancient Kings," in the Jaina sect of Hindustan, 
known as the Sauryas. They admit that Brahma is a Devata, but deny 
his creative power, and call him the "Son of a King." See "Asiatic 
Researches," vol. ix., p. 279.

[[Vol. 2, Page]] 400 ISIS UNVEILED.

and is, moreover, couched in unequivocal terms. At Isaiah xix. 11, 
the "Lord God" complains of it very wrathfully to the prophet, and 
says: "Surely the princes of Zoan are fools, the counsel of the wise 
counsellors of Pharaoh is become brutish; how say ye unto Pharaoh, I 
am the Son of the Wise, the Son of ancient kings?" which is evidently 
a reply to the above. At Joshua x. 13, Jasher is referred to in 
corroboration of the outrageous assertion that the sun stood still, 
and the moon stayed until the people had avenged themselves. "Is not 
this written in the Book of Jasher?" says the text. And at 2 Samuel, 
i. 19, the same book is again quoted. "Behold," it says, "it is 
written in the Book of Jasher." Clearly, Jasher must have existed; it 
must have been regarded as authority; must have been older than 
Joshua; and, since the verse in Isaiah unerringly points to the 
passage above quoted, we have at least as much reason to accept the 
current edition of Jasher as a transcription, excerpt, or compilation 
of the original work, as we have to revere the Septuagint Pentateuch, 
as the primitive Hebraic sacred records.

At all events, Jehovah is not the ancient of the ancient, or "aged of 
the aged," of the Sohar; for we find him, in this book, counselling 
with God the Father as to the creation of the world. "The work-master 
spoke to the Lord. Let us make man after our image" (Sohar i., fol. 
25). Jehovah is but the Metatron, and perhaps, not even the highest, 
but only one of the AEons; for he whom Onkelos calls Memro, the 
"Word," is not the exoteric Jehovah of the Bible, nor is he Jahve the 
Existing One.

It was the secresy of the early kabalists, who were anxious to screen 
the real Mystery name of the "Eternal" from profanation, and later 
the prudence which the mediaeval alchemists and occultists were 
compelled to adopt to save their lives, that caused the inextricable 
confusion of divine names. This is what led the people to accept the 
Jehovah of the Bible as the name of the "One living God." Every 
Jewish elder, prophet, and other man of any importance knew the 
difference; but as the difference lay in the vocalization of the 
"name," and its right pronunciation led to death, the common people 
were ignorant of it, for no initiate would risk his life by teaching 
it to them. Thus the Sinaitic deity came gradually to be regarded as 
identical with "Him whose name is known but to the wise." When 
Capellus translates: "Whosoever shall pronounce the name of Jehovah, 
shall suffer death," he makes two mistakes. The first is in adding 
the final letter h to the name, if he wants this deity to be 
considered either male or androgynous, for the letter makes the name 
feminine, as it really should be, considering it is one of the names 
of Binah, the third emanation; his second error is in asserting that 
the word nokeb means only to pronounce distinctly. It means to 
pronounce cor-

[[Vol. 2, Page]] 401 THE DOUBLE SEX OF JEHOVAH.

rectly. Therefore, the biblical name Jehovah may be considered simply 
a substitute, which, as belonging to one of the "powers" got to be 
viewed as that of the "Eternal." There is an evident mistake (one of 
the very many), in one of the texts in Leviticus, which has been 
corrected by Cahen, and which proves that the interdiction did not at 
all concern the name of the exoteric Jehovah, whose numerous other 
names could also be pronounced without any penalty being incurred.* 
In the vicious English version, the translation runs thus: "And he 
that blasphemeth the name of the Lord, shall surely be put to death," 
Levit. xxiv. 16. Cahen renders it far more correctly, thus: "And he 
that blasphemeth the name of the Eternal shall die," etc. The 
"Eternal" being something higher than the exoteric and personal 

As with the Gentile nations, the symbols of the Israelites were ever 
bearing, directly or indirectly, upon sun-worship. The exoteric 
Jehovah of the Bible is a dual god, like all the other gods; and the 
fact that David -- who is entirely ignorant of Moses -- praises his 
"Lord," and assures him that the "Lord is a great God, and a great 
King above all gods," may be of a very great importance to the 
descendants of Jacob and David, but their national God concerns us in 
no wise. We are quite ready to show the "Lord God" of Israel the same 
respect as we do to Brahma, Zeus, or any other secondary deity. But 
we decline, most emphatically, to recognize in him either the Deity 
worshipped by Moses, or the "Father" of Jesus, or yet the "Ineffable 
Name" of the kabalists. Jehovah is, perhaps, one of the Elohim, who 
was concerned in the formation (which is not creation) of the 
universe, one of the architects who built from pre-existing matter, 
but he never was the "Unknowable" Cause that created "bara," in the 
night of the Eternity. These Elohim first form and bless; then they 
curse and destroy; as one of these Powers, Jehovah is therefore by 
turns beneficent and malevolent; at one moment he punishes and then 
repents. He is the antitype of several of the patriarchs -- of Esau 
and of Jacob, the allegorical twins, emblems of the ever manifest 
dual principle in nature. So Jacob, who is Israel, is the left pillar 
-- the feminine principle of Esau, who is the right pillar and the 
male principle. When he wrestles with Malach-Iho, the Lord, it is the 
latter who becomes the right pillar, and Jacob-Israel names God; 
although the Bible-interpreters have endeavored to transform him into 
a mere "angel of the Lord" (Genesis xxxii.), Jacob conquers him -- as 
matter will but too often conquer spirit -- but his thigh is put out 
of joint in the fight.
[[Footnote(s)]] -------------------------------------------------

* As, for instance, Shaddai, Elohim, Sabaoth, etc.

** Cahen's "Hebrew Bible," iii., p. 117.

[[Vol. 2, Page]] 402 ISIS UNVEILED.

The name of Israel has its derivation from Isaral or Asar, the Sun-
God, who is known as Suryal, Surya, and Sur. Isra-el means "striving 
with God." The "sun rising upon Jacob-Israel," is the Sun-God Isaral, 
fecundating matter or earth, represented by the female-Jacob. As 
usual, the allegory has more than one hidden meaning in the Kabala. 
Esau, AEsaou, Asu, is also the sun. Like the "Lord," Esau fights with 
Jacob and prevails not. The God-Sun first strives against, and then 
rises on him in covenant.

"And as he passed over Penuel, the sun rose upon him, and he (Jacob) 
halted upon his thigh" (Genesis xxxii. 31). Israel Jacob, opposed by 
his brother Esau, is Samael, and "the names of Samael are Azazel and 
Satan" (the opposer).

If it will be argued that Moses was unacquainted with the Hindu 
philosophy and, therefore, could not have taken Siva, the regenerator 
and the destroyer, as his model for Jehovah, then we must admit that 
there was some miraculous international intuition which prompted 
every nation to choose for its exoteric national deity the dual type 
we find in the "Lord God" of Israel. All these fables speak for 
themselves. Siva, Jehovah, Osiris, are all the symbols of the active 
principle in nature par excellence. They are the forces which preside 
at the formation or regeneration of matter and its destruction. They 
are the types of Life and Death, ever fecundating and decomposing 
under the never-ceasing influx of the anima mundi, the Universal 
intellectual Soul, the invisible but ever-present spirit which is 
behind the correlation of the blind forces. This spirit alone is 
immutable, and therefore the forces of the universe, cause and 
effect, are ever in perfect harmony with this one great Immutable 
Law. Spiritual Life is the one primordial principle above; Physical 
Life is the primordial principle below, but they are one under their 
dual aspect. When the Spirit is completely untrammelled from the 
fetters of correlation, and its essence has become so purified as to 
be re-united with its CAUSE, it may -- and yet who can tell whether 
it really will -- have a glimpse of the Eternal Truth. Till then, let 
us not build ourselves idols in our own image, and accept the shadows 
for the Eternal Light.

The greatest mistake of the age was to attempt a comparison of the 
relative merits of all the ancient religions, and scoff at the 
doctrines of the Kabala and other superstitions.

But truth is stranger than fiction; and this world-old adage finds 
its application in the case in hand. The "wisdom" of the archaic ages 
or the "secret doctrine" embodied in the Oriental Kabala, of which, 
as we have said, the Rabbinical is but an abridgment, did not die out 
with the Philaletheans of the last Eclectic school. The Gnosis 
lingers still on earth, and its votaries are many, albeit unknown. 
Such secret


brotherhoods have been mentioned before Mackenzie's time, by more 
than one great author. If they have been regarded as mere fictions of 
the novelist, that fact has only helped the "brother-adepts" to keep 
their incognito the more easily. We have personally known several of 
them who, to their great merriment had had the story of their lodges, 
the communities in which they lived, and the wondrous powers which 
they had exercised for many long years, laughed at and denied by 
unsuspecting skeptics to their very faces. Some of these brothers 
belong to the small groups of "travellers." Until the close of the 
happy Louis-Philippian reign, they were pompously termed by the 
Parisian garcon and trader the nobles etrangers, and as innocently 
believed to be "Boyards," Valachian "Gospodars," Indian "Nabobs," and 
Hungarian "Margraves," who had gathered at the capital of the 
civilized world to admire its monuments and partake of its 
dissipations. There are, however, some insane enough to connect the 
presence of certain of these mysterious guests in Paris with the 
great political events that subsequently took place. Such recall at 
least as very remarkable coincidences, the breaking out of the 
Revolution of '93, and the earlier explosion of the South Sea Bubble, 
soon after the appearance of "noble foreigners," who had convulsed 
all Paris for more or less longer periods, by either their mystical 
doctrines or "supernatural gifts." The St. Germains and Cagliostros 
of this century, having learned bitter lessons from the vilifications 
and persecutions of the past, pursue different tactics now-a-days.

But there are numbers of these mystic brotherhoods which have naught 
to do with "civilized" countries; and it is in their unknown 
communities that are concealed the skeletons of the past. These 
"adepts" could, if they chose, lay claim to strange ancestry, and 
exhibit verifiable documents that would explain many a mysterious 
page in both sacred and profane history. Had the keys to the hieratic 
writings and the secret of Egyptian and Hindu symbolism been known to 
the Christian Fathers, they would not have allowed a single monument 
of old to stand unmutilated. And yet, if we are well informed -- and 
we think we are -- there was not one such in all Egypt, but the 
secret records of its hieroglyphics were carefully registered by the 
sacerdotal caste. These records still exist, though "not extant" for 
the general public, though perhaps the monuments may have passed away 
for ever out of human sight.

Of forty-seven tombs of the kings, near Gornore, recorded by the 
Egyptian priests on their sacred registers, only seventeen were known 
to the public, according to Diodorus Siculus, who visited the place 
about sixty years B.C. Notwithstanding this historical evidence, we 
assert that the whole number exist to this day, and the royal tomb 
discovered by

[[Vol. 2, Page]] 404 ISIS UNVEILED.

Belzoni among the sandstone mountains of Biban-el-Melook (Melech?) is 
but a feeble specimen of the rest. We will add, furthermore, that the 
Arab-Christians, the monks, scattered around in their poor, desolate 
convents on the borderland of the great Lybian Desert, know of the 
existence of such unbetrayed relics. But they are Copts, sole 
remnants of the true Egyptian race, and the Copt predominating over 
the Christian monk in their natures, they keep silent; for what 
reason it is not for us to tell. There are some who believe that 
their monkish attire is but a blind, and that they have chosen these 
desolate homes among arid deserts and surrounded by Mahometan tribes, 
for some ulterior purposes of their own. Be it as it may, they are 
held in great esteem by the Greek monks of Palestine; and there is a 
rumor current among the Christian pilgrims of Jerusalem, who throng 
the Holy Sepulchre at every Easter, that the holy fire from heaven 
will never descend so miraculously as when these monks of the desert 
are present to draw it down by their prayers.*

"The kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by 
force." Many are the candidates at the doors of those who are 
supposed to know the path that leads to the secret brotherhoods. The 
great majority are refused admittance, and these turn away 
interpreting the refusal as an evidence of the non-existence of any 
such secret society. Of the minority accepted, more than two-thirds 
fail upon trial. The seventh rule of the ancient Rosicrucian 
brotherhoods, which is universal among all true secret societies: 
"the Rosy-Crux becomes and is not made," is more than the generality 
of men can bear to have applied to them. But let no one suppose that 
of the candidates who fail, any will divulge to the world even the 
trifle they may have learned, as some Masons do. None know better 
than themselves how unlikely it is that a neophyte should ever talk 
of what was imparted to him. Thus these societies will go on and hear 
themselves denied without uttering a word until the day shall come 
for them to throw off their reserve and show how completely they are 
masters of the situation.
[[Footnote(s)]] -------------------------------------------------

* The Greek monks have this "miracle" performed for the "faithful" 
every year on Easter night. Thousands of pilgrims are there waiting 
with their tapers to light them at this sacred fire, which at the 
precise hour and when needed, descends from the chapel-vault and 
hovers about the sepulchre in tongues of fire until every one of the 
thousand pilgrims has lighted his wax taper at it.

--- In, "Frank Reitemeyer" <dzyan@...> 
> Hi Cass,
> I did not find an online version of the said report "Astrological 
Algorithms Contained In Isis Unveiled" and I hope that anyone here 
has it for further research.
> Hi Christine,
> I don't know which Rosicrucian book do you mean.
> Are you speaking of "The Secret Symbols of the Gold- and 
Roscicrucians" by Franz Hartmann?
> And in which way can a rosicrucian code be used to decode Isis 
> Best
> Frank
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: christinaleestemaker 
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2007 6:26 PM
> Subject: Theos-World Re: Secret code in "Isis Unveiled"?
> Possibly this is the secret from the Rosecruse page 394-404
> In my books part 2 474-485
> There are given codes and hieroglives and numbers of the knigts of 
> Heredom from Kilwinning, Kadoshknights also this codes have to do 
> with freemansonry.
> Vr gr Christina
> -- In, "Frank Reitemeyer" <dzyan@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > A linguist called "Sister Adriana-Maria" is said to have done a 
> three-years research on HPB's first book Isis Unveiled and that she 
> has found a secret code, a "new polyalphabetic cipher":
> >
> > 
> > Has anyone more details of this code?
> > 
> > Frank
> > 
> > 
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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