Sinnett's and Leadbeater's Claims: Part 1
Mar 08, 2007 05:21 AM
by danielhcaldwell
Sinnett's and Leadbeater's
Claims: Part 1
In 1894, A.P. Sinnett writes in "Light" magazine [issue of March 3,
1894, p. 107] about two chelas of the Masters --- C.W. Leadbeater and
Maude Travers. He doesn't mention them by their actual names in this
article written for the public but simply refers to them by letters
[D and E] of the alphabet.
Sinnett tells his audience:
...To begin with, fifteen years ago [1879] I first heard from Madame
Blavatsky a statement concerning great initiates of occult science
who had attained to wonderfully exalted knowledge, spiritual insight,
and power over natural forces of which modern science knew nothing.
Madame Blavatsky claimed to have lived for a time amongst them; and
to have learned some of their teachings. She proved that she
possessed some abnormal faculties and powers....
...I had been receiving a long series of letters reaching me,
apparently from certain Mahatmas, under peculiar circumstances
described in my books (mainly, BUT NOT EXCLUSIVELY, through the
intermediation of Madame Blavatsky), and conveying a mass of teaching
which in due time I was enabled to publish, and in which great
numbers of people have found a better clue to the comprehension of
their own nature and of the world around them than any previously
known religion or philosophy afforded. [CAPS ADDED.]
One all-important fact thus revealed was that the avenues of
initiation were still open for people who were qualified to advance
along them; that the "Masters," though in seclusion, were not
inaccessible for persons in whom certain interior faculties were ripe
for development. Many persons, including some Europeans whom I know,
were inspired by this revelation to make the necessary exertions, and
beginning with the opportunities afforded by the Theosophical
Society, have learned to transfer their consciousness to the astral
plane, to get about freely on that level of Nature, to obtain access
to the Mahatmas, and to recognise, as also astral pupils, friends
whom they know in the flesh.
One such person, a European [Charles W. Leadbeater] whose development
has taken place since the formation of the Theosophical Society,
first came into CONSCIOUS RELATION with the Mahatmas while working
for Theosophy in India in connection with the [Theosophical
Society's] headquarters at Adyar, sharing his progress, so to speak,
with friends and pupils of Madame Blavatsky's. Another [Maude
Travers] gained the same privileges here in Europe, scarcely knowing
Madame Blavatsky, and wholly unconnected with the T. S. organization
in India. [CAPS ADDED.]
Within the last year or two other Europeans and one person of Eastern
parentage [C. Jinarajadasa?], among my own circle of intimate
friends, have in varying degrees acquired the faculty of
consciousness on the astral plane, and of clairvoyance while in the
ordinary state, so as to be able to hold converse, when permitted,
with some of the Mahatmas, or to see them when they or some of their
disciples have come astrally among us.
...Let me call them [these witnesses to the reality of the Mahatmas]
by letters of the alphabet, to show more definitely how their
testimony hangs together.
D. [Charles W. Leadbeater] is advanced as a chela, and as much at
home on the astral plane, and as fully reminiscent of all that
happens to him there, as though the matters dealt with were
yesterday's doings in the flesh. On the astral plane he constantly
sees E [Maude Travers]., F., and H., all of whom know him and know
one another on this plane of life, discuss what takes place when WITH
THE MASTERS, after returning to their normal condition, and are in
all respects themselves completely in THEIR MUTUAL RELATIONS on the
higher plane. [CAPS ADDED.]
E. [Maude Travers] --- Everything just said of D. [Leadbeater]
applies also to E.[Maude Travers], if possible in fuller measure.
Occultly E. [Travers] is still further advanced. D. and E. knew one
another on the astral plane before they were acquainted in physical
life. E. knows others of the Masters besides those of whom
Theosophic literature has treated, sees on the astral plane (as D.
[Leadbeater] does also) both in and out of the body....
Coupling all these facts with the fact that since Madame Blavatsky's
death, and through purely European channels, I have exchanged
letters, and am still in a position to do so, when necessary (though
common sense will show that under the circumstances described it
cannot be often necessary for me to do so) WITH THE SAME MASTER [Koot
Hoomi] who wrote to me when I was at work on "Esoteric Buddhism," I
should think that any of your readers who can trust the honesty of my
assurances will recognise that I have tolerably sufficient grounds on
which to reply in the affirmative to the well-worn old question, "Do
the Mahatmas really exist?" [CAPS ADDED.]
Sinnett's testimony is quoted from:
Continued in Part 2....
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