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Re: Theos-World leadbeater as a fatal beginning

Feb 23, 2007 08:52 AM
by Scribe

Well said, Krishtar, I agree 100%.

I am a self-read-study of Theosophy of almost 30 years--thinking I was onto something important--and I finally find this ng and--while not quite desolate--am having to thoroughly rethink all that I thought I thought!

I never particularly liked Leadbeater but I always liked Annie Besant and tried to get all her books. I think she is an excellent introduction to Theosophy, interpreting HPB's writings in terms I could understand. I also really like dePurucker, he explains a lot for me also.

Perhaps we should compile a list of "safe" Theo authors and books, with emphasis on "safe" dates of writing/publication--before they went over the edge? Surely they had made positive, correct, contributions at some point in time and it would be a waste to throw them out. For instance, I think the first part of her "Esoteric Christianity" is an excellent introduction to the esoteric hidden meanings of scripture for all--especially Christians.

Best Regards,

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: krishtar 
  Sent: Friday, February 23, 2007 12:31 PM
  Subject: Theos-World leadbeater as a fatal beginning

  Imho, Leadbeater´s writings have a more popular approach to Theosophical matters, not analyzing here his accuracy, of course.
  If one is interested in occultism, he´ll fatally fall into a Leadbeaterean line, as much as Arthur Powells ands other generations.
  Like me, CWL was many people´s beginnings.
  Participating this list and reading the book of Peter Washington years ago is what moved my curiosity and forced thediscovering the unsaid in all of his books.
  Theosophical books from Mme Blavatsky are denser than the other popular. Not meaning descredit.
  It is also similar to music, the music that has more addepts is the more commercial ones, like Pop and Rap or Hip-Hop, much easier to digest.
  To distinguish the good and bad, the true or false in Theos. implies that you are well informed about theosophy historical facts.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: M K Ramadoss 
  Sent: Friday, February 23, 2007 2:26 AM
  Subject: Re: Theos-World Re: CW Leadbeater website

  Well said.

  It is a fact that many many were introduced to theosophy by the writings of
  CWL and I am sure there are many on this list as well. Ultimately, it is the
  transformation and understanding one gets out of theosophical writings out
  there is what matters . For simple students like me life is too short and it
  is after all our how our personal lives have been affected by our exposure
  to theosophy is the bottom line.


  On 2/22/07, <> wrote:
  > Thank you Nigel. I want to tell you that I agree almost completely with
  > your assessment and reasoning. However, I cannot know whether or not he lied
  > deliberately, or misinterpreted his visions into the astral world. It is
  > entirely conceivable that being a fairly naive and impressionable person, as
  > I perceive people who become clergy to be, Leadbeater had an entirely
  > different world-view than most of us. I say all this with tongue in cheek
  > however, because most of what Leadbeater has written about life on Mars and
  > such is simply "poppy-cock". And the past lives, LOL. But some of his books
  > are even inspiring?
  > I do think that Leadbeater was a pedophile. But he may not have known it.
  > The Adyar Society is a little like Leadbeater [and his cohort Annie Besant]
  > in fact. Ambitious people are at the head of it, and only ambitious people
  > will ever be in charge They will do what they must to stay in power and lead
  > the sheeple. But that is not to say that those same people have not done
  > good for the spreading of theosophy. I think they count on the fact that
  > many, if not most, people who join the Society will never find out about the
  > various controversies and the different splinter groups that have arisen.
  > When I joined the Adyar Society, it was because it was there, I had not way
  > of knowing that there were choices, and I was never informed about any
  > choices. So I became a Life-Member. So, am I through my membership condoning
  > the Leadbeater and Besant debacle? I don't know. And at this point, since
  > Blavatsky, Judge, Olcott, Leadbeater and Besant have gone to their reward, I
  > don't care. I will just have to make do with the literature and my own
  > intuitions.
  > Marie
  > -----Original Message-----
  > From: <>
  > To: <>
  > Sent: Thu, 22 Feb 2007 7:40 PM
  > Subject: Theos-World Re: CW Leadbeater website
  > Dear Marie
  > Thank you for alerting us to this website. It is a worthwhile
  > contribution to an interesting debate.
  > On this site, Pedro takes what appears to be at first glance a
  > reasoned approach to some of the issues surrounding Bishop
  > Leadbeater. For the uninformed or faithful some of the ideas he
  > presents sound entirely reasonable and supportable by any fair minded
  > person.
  > However for me, Pedro's work is an extraordinary minimisation of some
  > real issues.
  > As has been mentioned so many times in this forum, Bishop Leadbeater
  > produced utterly contradictory accounts of occult teachings from
  > Madame Blavatsky and her occult teachers, despite claiming to be in
  > direct contact with those very same teachers. He also lied and
  > deceived people on numerous occasions as is well documented and
  > validated.
  > Unfortunately and yet again it needs to be stated that this is in no
  > way suggesting that Madame Blavatsky and her teachers are in
  > possession of absolute truth and that their students are, in effect,
  > blind devotees as Pedro and others seem concerned about. This is an
  > age old diversionary tactic, used consciously or unconsciously, of
  > subtly suggesting something where often no such thing exists.
  > Furthermore and once again, it is not suggesting that Bishop
  > Leadbeater was all bad and contributed nothing of any value. He was a
  > dedicated and hard worker for his version of theosophy, his Society
  > and his church.
  > However, Pedro either doesn't understand or doesn't want to
  > understand the gravity of Bishop Leadbeater's many intellectual
  > indiscretions and manifest incidents of breach of trust.
  > It seems that matters of honour, integrity and truth are unimportant
  > with respect to spiritual teachers and teachings despite the good
  > Bishop's ardent professions to the contrary in most of his works.
  > Kind regards
  > Nigel
  > --- In <>,
  > MarieMAJ41@... wrote:
  > >
  > > Hello Friends, I received this from another forum from Pedro
  > Oliveira, but thought u all might enjoy this.
  > >
  > > Please find below the URL for a website dedicated to C. W.
  > Leadbeater.
  > >
  > >
  > >
  > >
  > > With warm and fraternal regards to all,
  > >
  > > Marie and Pedro Oliveira
  > >
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  > >
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