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Re: An Insider's Perspective on Blavatsky, Judge, and Besant

Feb 11, 2007 06:05 AM
by plcoles1

Hi John,
Yes it's only been in recent years that I had even heard of her.
One of the great things about the internet has been making these 
writings easily available for perusal.

The Canadian Theosophist articles have also been a great source of 
information of this kind for me.

Most members have no knowledge of this history, but even if a small 
group of people start to investigate these historical issues on the 
net, hopefully at least some may start to educate themselves and thus 
have a wider perspective on the movement and all its issues.

Can you give me some more info on the Guruda Necklace and Seal of the 
Tashi lama ?
I'd be interested to know a bit about it.



--- In, samblo@... wrote:
> Perry,
>    You know for 4 years I posted references to Alice Cleather books 
and for 4 
> years there wasn't a single response to it. It wasa deafening 
silence that 
> was continious. I was quite perplexed not really being clued in to 
the Judge 
> Lodge and the other factions. Finally I think it was mkr that 
posted something on 
> Cleather and then Daniel Caldwell followed with posts. But it took 
years here 
> to have it register even an indication that Alice Cleather ever 
existed. What 
> a strange surreal cloud misted over the value of her perspective 
that was 
> unique special in my view. It reminded of Party Politics. I was 
impressed when I 
> read her books and saw the Peking Lodge Group Photograph taken 
there in China. 
> Even today so many years later if you Google for the Guruda 
Necklace and Seal 
> of the Tashi lama there is zero listing. It appears Alice Cleather 
was the 
> only one who reproduced it for us all.
> John
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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