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Re BCW online

Dec 31, 2006 10:13 AM
by Mark Jaqua

Blavatsky Collected Writings back online

    Great that Ton got these back online!  
Also good that TPH granted "permission", 
also, although, truth is that the copyrights 
are very much in doubt, and no permission 
likely necessary at all!  (But who can 
hire a lawyer on non-profit matters?)  
ALL Blavatsky's articles are in public 
domain, having been written at least 115+ 
years ago. The copyright question would 
be in regard to Boris's work, not Blavatsky, 
etc., etc.  6 volumes were published by 
Boris independently before TPH took over.  
So it is not to be viewed as a great big 
favor by TPH, but at least they decided 
the right thing. 

   ULT Finances -  Like Cass said, the 
question is that bonafide Theosophical 
organizations should be altruistic in 
their finances also, beyond the necessity 
of just surviving.  Its another case of 
people self-hypnotizing themselves in 
the face of imagined authority, and 
not seeing what the real truth is.

    Thank goodness at least Chuck is 
an only child and not Twins!

        - jake j.

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