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Re: Theos-World Does Truth Burn?

Dec 27, 2006 06:13 PM
by Cass Silva

All is lie, all falsehood, around and in us, my brother; and that is why you seemed so surprised, if not affected, whenever you find a person, who will tell you bluntly truth to your face; and also why it seems impossible for you to realize that a man can have no ill feelings against you, nay even like and respect you for some things, and yet tell you to your face what he honestly and sincerely thinks of you.” (1)

carlosaveline <> wrote:                                  Friends, 
 H.P.Blavatsky’s blunt style of telling things in a  direct way has  been often misinterpreted as being a mistake, something coming from her lower self,  etc.   Her Master, who was her model,  had the same style, which also shocked Western lay chelas. 
 Is this issue a matter of mere personalities, or is there a  higher principle at stake?  Perhaps a deeper lesson to students? 
 In one of the Letters,  an Adept-Teacher examines what is -- from the Theosophical viewpoint -- the challenge of BEING TRUTHFUL, instead of just trying to look like a kind and spiritualized being  to the eyes of the others. Using most simple words in an attempt to be understood by his lay chela, the Master says: 
 “... You have to remember that our Eastern ideas about ‘motives’ and ‘truthfulness’ and ‘honesty’ differ considerably from your ideas in the West. Both we believe that it is moral to tell the truth and immoral to lie; but here every analogy stops and our notions diverge in a very remarkable degree.  For instance it would be a most difficult thing for you to tell me, how it is that your civilized Western Society, Church and State, politics and commerce have ever come to assume a virtue that it is quite impossible for  either a man of education, a statesman, a trader, or anyone else living in the world – to practice in an unrestricted sense?  Can any one of the above mentioned classes  –  the flower of England’s chivalry, her proudest peers and most distinguished commoners, her most virtuous and  truth speaking ladies –  can any of them speak the truth, I ask, whether at home, or in Society, during their public functions or in the family circle? What would you think of a
 gentleman, or a lady, whose affable politeness of manner and suavity of language would cover no falsehood; who, in meeting you would tell you plainly and abruptly what he thinks of you, or of anyone else? And where can you find that pearl of honest tradesmen or that god-fearing patriot, or politician, or a simple casual visitor of yours, but conceals his  thoughts the whole while,  and is obliged under the penalty of being regarded as a brute, a madman –  to lie deliberately, and with a bold face, no sooner he is forced to tell you what he thinks of you; unless for a wonder his real feelings demand no concealment?  All is lie, all falsehood, around  and in us, my brother; and that is why you seemed so surprised, if not affected, whenever you find a person, who will tell you bluntly truth to your  face; and also why it seems impossible for you to realize that a man can have no ill feelings against you, nay even like and respect you for some things, and yet tell you to your
 face what he honestly and sincerely thinks of you.” (1)  
 As to HPB, she kindly wrote these words: 
 “No ‘cultured’ man or woman will ever show anger in Society. To check and restrain every sign of annoyance shows good manners, certainly, but also considerable achievement in hypocrisy and dissimulation. There is an occult side to this rule of good breeding expressed in an Eastern proverb: ‘Trust not the face which never shows signs of anger nor the  dog that never barks.’  Cold-blooded animals are the most venomous.”(2) 
 Truth sometimes burns people, or rather it burns their lack of wisdom, with which they often identify themselves.  
 Best regards,   Carlos Cardoso Aveline.  
 (1) “The Mahatma Letters to A. P. Sinnett”, Transcribed by A. T. Barker, facsimile edition, Theosophical University Press, Pasadena, California, 1992, Letter XXX, p. 232. 
 (2) “From  the Note Book of an Unpopular Philosopher”, by  H.P. Blavatsky, in “Collected Writings”, TPH, 1960, vol.  VIII, p. 137. Published for the first time  in the “Lucifer” magazine, October 1887. 
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