New Acropolis
Dec 20, 2006 05:45 AM
by carlosaveline
New Acropolis was created in Argentina, I guess, and it is active in the capital citiies of various States in Brazil, nowadays.
It offers public study-courses on western classical philosophy, for which students must pay. It includes the teaching and practicing of martial arts in its regular activities. Critics say it has an almost military structure. It still gives some attention of HPB's writings but I think it is not much.
Adyar TS denies that Sri Ram ever authorized or recommended the creation of New Acropolis.
Livraga started his process inside the Adyar TS in Argentina and it seems he was then expelled with his initial followers, either formally or informally.
Regards, Carlos.
Data:Wed, 20 Dec 2006 11:11:39 -0000
Assunto:Theos-World N. Sri Ram and New Acropolis?
> I just read a short biography on the founder of New Acropolis, Jorge
> Angel Livraga Rizzi, in which I found the following:
> "In 1956 he founded the magazine "Estudios Teosóficos" (Theosophical
> Studies), which was intended to make the works of H.P.Blavatsky more
> widely known among university students, by comparing them with the
> new scientific discoveries of the 20th century. In the following
> year, on the instructions of the renowned theosophist Sri Ram, he
> took this work a step further by creating "New Acropolis", an
> Association intended to promote Philosophy among young people, along
> the lines of the classical Schools of Philosophy, such as Plato's
> Academy and the Neoplatonic School. "We realised that humanity
> possessed an immense treasure of Wisdom, which had been hidden and
> forgotten, and lay beyond the reach of young people. A Wisdom that
> provides answers about the meaning of life and ways in which
> society - the world around us - can be improved", he recalled on one
> occasion."
> From:
> So the origin of this organisation is an "instruction" of N. Sri
> Ram, they say. I have not seen this information before, so I under
> if anyone here know something about this, and about the view of TS
> Adyar on NA, then as well as today. And is this right? Was the
> original idea Sri Ram's? I know that the founder was originally a TS
> Adyar member, but not that he was in some way close to Sri Ram.
> Thanks!
> Carl
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