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Re: Theos-World quote for monday Dec 4, 2006

Dec 04, 2006 04:08 PM
by Cass Silva

and self-grandiosement, Gregory, preferring to be big fish in a little pond than a little fish in the ocean.

Bill Meredith <> wrote:                                  "As far as secret societies go, it is always a source of higher personal
 status to belong to a group of which no-one else knows anything! The
 history of inner groups, and inner groups of inner groups (ad infinitum!)
 is one of personal aggrandizment and the accumulation of (meaningless)
 claims of superiority over the "common herd". Being able to deny knowledge
 of or entry into any society seems to give some strange people an enormous
 sense of power and importance."
 Dr Gregory Tillett

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