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To Carl Ek: See Tillett's "criticism of ULT"

Dec 01, 2006 07:28 PM
by danielhcaldwell


Relevant to what you recently wrote are some observations by
Gregory Tillett.  Dr. Tillett commented:

...My criticism of ULT relates to the manifestly bogus claim that it 
is somehow an organization without authorities or leaders, and its 
strange habit of not identifying the authors (other than HPB, WQJ, et 
al) of its publications....There are obviously leaders and 
authorities in the ULT � it's just that (unlike  Adyar or Pasadena) 
their identities are not disclosed. When I sought to do research at 
the ULT library in London, "permission" had to be obtained. From 
whom? If I want to access the ULT archives (which presumably exist 
somewhere and under the control of someone), to whom do I apply? If I 
write to the ULT someone will reply, although the letter may 
be "signed" with "The United Lodge of Theosophists". Someone decides 
who may and may not speak at ULT meetings. Someone legally owns ULT 
assets and edits its journals. How and by whom are those actually in 
charge appointed? As I previously wrote to Daniel, unknown and 
unknowable sources of authority exercise greater power because they 
are effectively unchallengeable.
Quoted from:


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