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Robert Crosbie

Nov 20, 2006 07:33 PM
by carlosaveline


I am surprised to see you decided to write on the ULT today.  :)  

An important subject, no doubt.  

Yet many old differences of view between the  ULT and other parts of the movement are "side issues" today, and totally devoid of significance. 



Data:Sun, 19 Nov 2006 18:06:42 -0000

Assunto:Theos-World Robert Crosbie in 1907 on Katherine Tingley

> Below is what Robert Crosbie thought of
> Mrs. Katherine Tingley in 1907. One might
> compare his view with that of G. de Purucker which
> can be found at: 
> Crosbie's words follow --- 
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> "...I am slow to turn back from any task I have set myself, and am 
> prone to excuse inconsistencies and deviation in others, so that 
> although I had begun to doubt, and to see, it was more than a year 
> afterwards before I saw so clearly and unmistakably that I took 
> occasion to tell Mrs. T. [Tingley] the facts as I saw them, and to 
> state my intention to withdraw from all connection with her. She 
> tried of course in every way to change my determination, but finding 
> me unchangeable, she let me go, and as I afterwards heard, gave out 
> that she had sent me away for "bad conduct" - just what I do not 
> know. This of course, to "save her own face" as the Chinese say. I 
> am quite will aware of her capacities in the above direction form the 
> history of others who had discovered her real character, and left; 
> there is no slander too low or mean for her to use in such cases to 
> justify herself. Sorry as I am to say it, such is the character of 
> Katherine Tingley, the Leader of the Theosophical Movement Throughout 
> the World, as she styles herself - (there is more of it that is 
> simply too nauseating to write.) It was a hard schooling for me, but 
> it had its good uses and effects. I feel no enmity towards her; I 
> truly pity her and would help her do right any time it might be in my 
> power. I also feel most deeply towards those who are held in mental 
> bondage by her; but nothing can be done - they must open their own 
> eyes, they are not in a condition to have them opened by anyone else.
> . . . Katherine with a large number of her "students" are in this 
> city this evening giving the play of "A Midsummer Night's Dream"; It 
> will be beautifully staged, and everything will be done to give a 
> fine impression - undoubtedly with success.
> She will also speak in Belasco Theater on Sunday eve on "Some 
> Practical Lessons in Human Life", and will doubtless present a fair 
> picture to the mind's eye; and yet she is as I have said. Those who 
> see these pictures would not believe anything different from what 
> they see - and she knows it, and preys upon the best and noblest in 
> human nature for her own ends. I tremble for the Karma she 
> invokes. . . . "
> ---------------------------------------------------------------- 
> Quoted from:
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