Carlos does "more to promote Leadbeaterism than anyone...."
Nov 19, 2006 07:16 PM
by danielhcaldwell
You are right on the money when you write
that Carlos does "more to promote Leadbeaterism
than anyone I have ever met in theosophy"
especially when he was the one that wrote that
any publicity is good publicity!!!
Maybe Carlos will deeply meditate on what you write
and actually realize the truth therein:
How do you justify your gossiping of Leadbeater and his cronies at
the same time you label others with the crime. For you it is righting
a wrong, for others it is gossiping. Ever heard of a double-standard?
You do more to promote Leadbeaterism than anyone I have ever met in
theosophy. As you previously stated, any publicity is good publicity,
but be aware that you are continually reviving Leadbeater and his
followers into everyone's consciousness.
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