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Nov 19, 2006 04:44 PM
by Cass Silva
Carlos, How do you justify your gossiping of Leadbeater and his cronies at the same time you label others with the crime. For you it is righting a wrong, for others it is gossiping. Ever heard of a double-standard? You do more to promote Leadbeaterism than anyone I have ever met in theosophy. As you previously stated, any publicity is good publicity, but be aware that you are continually reviving Leadbeater and his followers into everyone's consciousness. Cass ----- Original Message ---- From: carlosaveline <carlosaveline@terra.com.br> To: theos-talk <theos-talk@yahoogroups.com> Sent: Sunday, November 19, 2006 11:56:07 PM Subject: Theos-World What Is a Gossip? Daniel, You said: "Well, I don't know how you define 'gossip'." Let me explain the meaning I attach to the word, which is generaly also clear by the way I use it. I guess you make gossips when you repeatedly show the differences among different groups of serious HPB students, as if these differences were irreconcilable. You might suggest a better way of expressing this. "Personalistic commentaries on differences of views"? If the word "gossip" sounds too strong to you, I can drop it. The fact will remain, though. Carlos. De:theos-talk@yahoogro ups.com Para:theos-talk@yahoogro ups.com Cópia: Data:Sun, 19 Nov 2006 01:30:07 -0000 Assunto:Theos- World "...isn't it a gossip....?" > Concerning Hargrove's words, you apparently write: > > "...isn't it a gossip....?" > > Well, I don't know how you define "gossip". > > I simply consider Hargrove's words as his testimony... part of the > historical record. > > Do you consider various statements by Judge or HPB as ALSO "gossip"??? > > Also much of what you write about Leadbeater or quote about > Leadbeater could also be labelled "gossip". :) > > Daniel > http://hpb.cc > > --- In theos-talk@yahoogro ups.com, "carlosaveline" > wrote: > > > > Daniel, isn't it a gossip which you have already posted here dozens > of times? > > > > Carlos. > > De:theos-talk@yahoogro ups.com > > > > Para:theos-talk@yahoogro ups.com > > > > Cópia: > > > > Data:Sat, 18 Nov 2006 15:34:39 -0000 > > > > Assunto:Theos- World Ernest T. Hargrove's Esoteric School > > > > > The following January 30, 1898 letter written by Ernest T. > Hargrove to > > > Katherine Tingley signals the beginning (in one sense) of > Hargrove's > > > Esoteric School. > > > > > > An excerpt reads: > > > > > > ============ ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= > > > Now, my dear friend, you have made an awful mess of it - that is > > > the simple truth. You were run in as O[uter] H[ead] [of the > Esoteric > > > School] as the only person in sight who was ready to hand at the > > > time. We were all of us heartily glad to welcome you, for you > solved > > > the problem which confronted us - who was to be O.H.; you were a > > > sort of neutral centre around which we could congregate. And most > of > > > us fairly yelled with delight, for you solved our difficulty and > we > > > had ample proofs that some members of the Lodge were working > through > > > you and that you had high and rare mediumistic and psychic gifts > and > > > that you were a disciple of the Lodge. So things went swimmingly > for > > > a time. > > > > > > Our enthusiasm and anxiety to see all go well carried some of us > > > too far - carried me too far to the extent of... leading me to use > > > my personal influence with people to get them to accept you as > O.H. > > > I thought it was for the good of the work, but since then I have > > > learned better. > > > ============ ========= ========= ========= ========= ======= > > > > > > In other letters to Mrs. Tingley, Hargrove said: > > > > > > ============ ========= ========= ========= ========= ======= > > > "...by order of the Master you have ceased to be the Outer Head of > > > the E.S.T. in the interior and true sense...." > > > > > > "The Outer Head to follow you has already been appointed by the > > > Master....." > > > ============ ========= ========= ========= ========= ======= > > > > > > Quoted from: http://blavatskyarc hives.com/ garr4.htm# 653 > > > > > > Daniel > > > http://hpb.cc > > > > > > > > Yahoo! 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