U.L.T. originals are reliable
Nov 14, 2006 12:37 PM
by carlosaveline
I have to agree with Dallas.
The Theosophy Co. books are reliable as long as I know.
Data:Mon, 13 Nov 2006 17:22:01 -0000
Assunto:Theos-World Dallas: "In U.L.T. I don't have to worry -- the originals are available...."
> The late Dallas Tenbroeck once wrote on Theos-Talk:
> ======================================================
> If you wish I can give you as an example the little book that
> the Adyar Theosophical Publishing House issued under H.P.Blavatsky's
> name as PRACTICAL OCCULTISM It is one of the articles she wrote.
> If you have a copy then compare it with the same article you have
> reprinted by the U.L.T. in OCCULTISM OR RAJA-YOGA. The U.L.T.
> is verbatim from H.P.Blavatsky's original article -- remember
> proof reading it myself years ago. The ADYAR version has been
> heavily edited. . . .
> In U.L.T. I don't have to worry -- the originals are available on a
> reliable basis . . . .
> ....Personally I would rather deal with H.P.Blavatsky's 'mistakes'
> than with those created by others who have had the temerity to
> believe they knew better than she did, and had the audacity to
> introduce changes which she did not authorize. . . .
> ==============================================================
> Over many years the general impression given by Dallas .... [that
> is: "In U.L.T. I don't have to worry -- the originals are available
> on a reliable basis..."] ... has been repeated by what other
> U.L.T. associates have said and written to me.
> But I ask if this statement about ULT is really and completely true?
> Daniel
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