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Daniel and the ULT

Nov 11, 2006 07:44 AM
by carlosaveline


I  can talk about the ULT.

It is obviously in line, as much as possible and in its own way, with the Blavatsky Teachings. 

And that, please note, does NOT exclude the Pasadena TS, Point Loma, Edmonton Theosophical Society, etc.

All HPB/Masters students and groups do as much as they can, in their own ways, and what they have in common is more important than their differences. 

None of them is perfect as long as I know. 

Regards,  Carlos.


Data:Fri, 10 Nov 2006 15:10:08 -0000

Assunto:Theos-World Tillett on Dzyan Esoteric School and A Question

> The historian Gregory Tillett wrote:
> =====================================================
> The DES claimed to be on "the original lines" of the ES under HPB. It 
> taught that HPB remained the Real Head of the School, and wherever 
> she was referred to, capital letters (including She and Her) are used.
> =====================================================
> Quoted from:
> If the claim is made in the ULT's Dzyan Esoteric School that HPB is 
> the Real Head of the School, exactly what does that claim IMPLY or 
> actually mean?
> Furthermore, remember what HPB said in the "Preliminary Memorandum":
> "The real Head of the Esoteric Section is a Master, of whom H.P.
> Blavatsky is the mouthpiece for this Section. . . . It is through 
> H.P. Blavatsky that each member of this section will be brought more 
> closely than hitherto under His influence and care if found worthy of 
> it."
> Quoted from:
> Does this claim by the DES imply such a potential relationship or 
> even "contact" as what HPB was writing about in 1888?
> In my series of examples given to Jake about forming an esoteric 
> group, if Victor in the 1890s or Glen in the 1970s made a similar 
> claim that in their esoteric groups HPB is the real head, would that 
> be any different or less valid than what the Dzyan Esoteric School is 
> apparently claiming????
> Food for thought....
> Daniel
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