Re:Konstantin on HPB and CWL
Nov 11, 2006 06:17 AM
by carlosaveline
While respecting your views, I have to say one should examine what does the cat do with the rat after catching it.
Theosophy should liberate people's mind, not "catch" them and put them inside some ritjualistic belief.
The cat/mouse metaphor is limited, though interesting. My point is that if you have to be false, in order to get a wider public, then you should forget about the wider public and keep to a smaller group of persons, with truthfulness.
Especially if your motto is "There is no Religion higher than Truth."
Out of respect for the "consumer", so to say, our "product" has to be "worthwhile" and has to have "good quality".
Theosophy is about Ethics and Truthfulness and, as I see it, there is no other way to go.
Data:Fri, 10 Nov 2006 17:35:12 -0000
Assunto:Theos-World Re: Konstantin on HPB and CWL
> --- In, "carlosaveline" wrote:
> > In the 1970s Leadbeater was "everywhere" in esoteric bookshops in
> Brazil
> It is important, is now Blavatsky so "everywhere" in the bookshops as
> Leadbeater was 30 years ago. If not, then your propaganda made a
> serious harm to the cause of theosophy instead if the benefit.
> It doesn't matter whether is the cat black or white, it matters only
> does it catch the mice or not.
> Very many came to theosophy through Leadbeater and Bailey.
> One friend of mine was interested in magic and ESP only and he bought
> "Treatise on white magic" by Bailey because there was "magic" in the
> title. He found there references to Blavatsky and now studies her
> works seriously. On the other hand, I don't know the Blavatsky
> students who abandoned her for Leadbeater.
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