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Re: Statements by John Coats

Nov 11, 2006 06:06 AM
by carlosaveline


Daniel quotes John Coats: 

" 'The percentage of members, who have not as yet  ever read any books by H.P. Blavatsky is  regrettably high.' The Theosophist, Feb., 1975"

Coats words are still true today, as long as the Adyar TS is concerned. 

Leadbeater/Besant are falling, J. Krishnamurti and Bailey perhaps on the rise (Bailey in some areas only); HPB is at the same level or rising very slowly (in the Adyar TS.)

This is what I can report, from my fields of observation. 

(Yet, even a superficial contact with the basic theosophical concepts will help much -- and prepare for a deeper view of Theosophy in people's next lives. For -- everything has to have a start in some lifetime...)   

Coats was an open mind. 



Data:Fri, 10 Nov 2006 18:04:59 -0000

Assunto:Theos-World Two Statements by John Coats

> I give below two statements made in 1975
> by the late John Coats, President of the
> Theosophical Society (Adyar) from 1973-1979.
> "The percentage of members, who have not as yet
> ever read any books by H.P. Blavatsky is
> regrettably high." The Theosophist, Feb., 1975
> "There's a great need for the deepening of the
> individual member's understanding of theosophy.
> A lot of people skate superfically over the
> surface of theosophy without really going into
> it in depth." The Theosophist, Dec. 1975.
> Daniel
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