Re:=20Theos-World=20More=20on=20HPB=E2=80=99s=20relati?= ons=20with=20ritualistic=20groups?=
Nov 09, 2006 09:38 PM
by samblo
Thanks for this post it is very stimulating. I hope you won't mind my
asking what or who is "WWW"? Also if i might ask;
>>This rule was
later changed (by HPB), so it also permitter membership in the GD.
What have you seen that indicates H.P.B. changed the ES Rule to allow
specifically entrance into GD?
I was invited to join the Odd Fellows in 1978 but hadn't a clue at that
time who they were.
The places in number 5 ring a bell, I spent many pleasant weekend
afternoons at Wurzberg up on the hill of Marion Castle one could feel the leftovers
of the battles there. Blavatsky lived there for some time. For certain
Blavatsky passed through Ostende Belgium on occasion to cross the channel. Do think
the Countess Wachmeister had any knowledge in these matters or anything to
It would be educational to see an excerpt from Crowley's Liber LXXI that
you reference. what year was it that he proposed that?
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