"Impractical to Quote From"
Nov 09, 2006 02:15 PM
by carlosaveline
Ernest Pelletier might be a professional diplomat. I say that as a compliment.
In Pelletier's fine article about Daniel Caldwell's book, there are more compliments than criticisms. Yet all compliments are about peripherical issues like appearance of the book, front cover, etc., and so on.
And the brief criticism goes to the heart of the matter. Pelletier says in a most polite way that "it is not practical" to quote from Daniel's book. He says that Daniel is "undoing" theosophical records and theosophical literature, and he asks WHY is it. That is, what is the motive behind the action.
But I suggest you buy the magazine ( I only read it on paper). You should read all of Pelletier's text, and then develop your own perspective of it, which I am sure will be different from mine.
(If I had the article in my computer, I would post it here for you to see.)
FOHAT is an excellent magazine, and everyone will benefit from reading it.
Data:Wed, 8 Nov 2006 16:01:16 EST
Assunto:Re: Theos-World "Impractical to Quote From"
> Carlos,
> You only posted the "negative" comments of Pelletier to be fair post the
> "Positive" comments on Daniel's book also so everyone can have the proper
> perspective.
> Also you know Daniel has openly on several occasions here on this very
> Forum told all the members here he doesn't consider himself a "Scholar" hence
> it follows he also doesn't necessarily feel constrained to observe what
> "Scholars" consider convention between themselves in their own Literary works. I
> think it is unfair for you to ignore some of these facts. Did you ask Daniel if he
> intended that his book be published in Canada and was it published there? A
> credentialed scholar suffers the criticism of his peers of the works, but you
> do know that is a separate realm in itself.
> BTW, I haven't read Daniel Books or your Books or Paul Johnson's.
> John
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