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Re: To Ken Small: Do You Have A Screening Procedure?

Nov 06, 2006 11:32 PM
by 'Cuervo'

....actually while it may appear from the 'form' or 'knowledge = 
belief-word' side of things, that the 'Inner Group Teachings' are 
available 'to the public' given that they are VISIBLE AND AVAILABLE 
and can be ordered on-line !  ... the question is, is this actually 
the case from the genuine esoteric internal viewpoint ? I think the 
true view is that all these esoteric teachings of HPB are what the 
Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhists would refer to as 'self secret'. This 
term applies to all genuine esoteric texts and teachings. It means 
that to physically hide them and to not speak them publicly is 
irrelevant in relation to them remaining secret. The way Vajrayana 
views the truth of this is that only those who are ready with the 
appropriate higher intuitive awareness and karmic merit will receive 
the 'esoteric' meaning. Those not ready will not understand them 
anyway, so there is no public revealing at all. Hence the term 'self 
secret'. So whether a text is available publicly or not makes no 
difference from this deeper perspective....  ...... ....... 

I hope this view is helpful !

Ken - Point Loma Publications -

PS - .....then again, perhaps all of HPB is 'self secret' !

--- In, "danielhcaldwell" 
<danielhcaldwell@...> wrote:
> Ken, I notice that you [Point Loma Publications]
> sell to the public copies of HPB's INNER GROUP
> TEACHINGS?  As you well know these are part of
> HPB's "esoteric writings."
> See your web page:
> I'm curious, do you have a screening procedure to determine
> if a person who wants to buy a copy of INNER GROUP TEACHINGS
> is a "prepared" or "unprepared soul"?
> I mean in light of what Carlos writes at:
> I supppose you are as concerned as the rest of us
> about preventing any "unprepared soul" from having 
> "a precocious contact" with HPB's INNER GROUP TEACHINGS.
> Just wondering.....
> Daniel

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