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Are the editors of "Theosophy" above all rules applying to lesser mortals?

Nov 06, 2006 09:55 AM
by danielhcaldwell

Are the editors of "Theosophy" Magazine
above all rules applying to lesser mortals?

Dr. H.N. Stokes (Theosophist, Theosophical historian, and critic of 
Leadbeater's & Besant's "Neo-Theosophy") once commented in his "O.E. 
Library Critic Magazine" as follows:

"....why did the magazine 'Theosophy' [issued by the Theosophy 
Company] in its series of articles later published as 'The 
Theosophical Movement' [that is, published 1925 as a book] quote from 
documents [written by H.P.B. and] marked private and issued to E.S.T. 
members under pledge of secrecy?" 

"Are we to suppose that . . . the editors of 'Theosophy' Magazine, 
are above all rules applying to lesser mortals?" 
"No, what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander."

"If .... [HPB's esoteric documents] are [still] private documents 
today, no one without a diploma of sanctity and a special permit from 
the Mahatmas is more entitled to [quote from them or] read them than 
any others, or to discourage others from doing what he does himself 
when it suits his purpose ... ." 


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