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Reply to Carlos concerning Daniel's Disrespect, etc.

Nov 06, 2006 09:00 AM
by danielhcaldwell


You write to me:

So the reason why you have put HPB's "esoteric texts" in the internet 
for every unprepared soul to have a precocious contact with them, 
before they can understand anything is -- to show you don't pay 
atention to HPB's words and aims? Thast you do not have respect for 

Is there any personal pleasure in publicizing that which she 
considered so reserved? Is there too much pleasure in "gossiping" in 
such an insistent way about that?

There may be something odd in such a propaganda about a past and gone 
secrecy which you so gladly and insistently disrespect yourself.

The secrecy of inner things you will never desecrate, however.

So did Boris de Zirkoff disrespect HPB and "desecrate" Esoteric 
Wisdom by publishing HPB's "esoteric texts" in Volume 12 of HPB'S 

Did Dara Eklund who helped BdZ in this endeavor contribute to all of 

Did Vic Hao Chin, Jr. also disrespect HPB and "desecrate" Esoteric 
Wisdom by making possible the inexpensive CD-ROM of HPB's writings 
INCLUDING HPB's "esoteric texts"?

And what about the Canadian Theosophical Association who has put 
another version of the "esoteric texts" online?  Do they disrespect 
HPB, too?

Are you trying to tell us that having HPB's esoteric texts in Vol. 12 
and also on the CD-ROM somehow keeps them from "every unprepared soul"
and keeps such souls from having "a precocious contact" with said 

I have already given many of my reasons for my publishing of HPB's 
text on the WWW and in my book.  And interested readers can see that 

The Publication of HPB's Esoteric Papers

And last but not least, have YOU read and studied HPB's esoteric text 
either in BdZ's Volume 12?  Or on the CD-Rom?? Or in some other 
printed book?

If you have read them in one of these versions, I assume you do not 
consider yourself one of those "unprepared souls" that you seem so 
concerned about?

I still think Dr. Stokes' comment is still relevant today and 
especially for people who have views like you do:

"If .... [HPB's esoteric documents] are [still] private documents
today, no one without a diploma of sanctity and a special permit
from the Mahatmas is more entitled to read them than any others, or
to discourage others from doing what he does himself when it suits
his purpose ... ." 


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