Adelasie on Autonomy
Nov 06, 2006 07:45 AM
by carlosaveline
This is most decisive a question. Autonomy looks like a burden.
Yet the problem of "trusting Those Who Know" is that, precisely because they KNOW, they cannot and want not to prevent us from learning by ourselves!
Which, by the way, is the only true learning.
This is said all along the 'Mahatma Letters' and I can bring here if you want me to.
Even accepted and regular disciples cannot be told what to do, except when the "karma of the situation does not belong to them.
This is a major pedagogical axiom in Occultism -- the autonomy of the learner -- which is hard to understand.
We all long for "hints", but they must come from our own hearts.There will be no dropping letters in the air, no Masters appearing before our eyes, for a long time, except in illusion, since 1897-1900.
If one cannot find the light within, it is useless fo search for it outside one's own consciences.
The Masters said that, and repeatedly so. Then, after 1900, CWL started telling people what to do in the name of the Masters... And the theosophical priesthood and rituals emerged.
Friendly regards, Carlos.
Data:Sun, 05 Nov 2006 07:35:16 -0800
Assunto:Re: Theos-World Adelasie on Cycles
> Carlos,
> It is very useful to remember the cyclic contour of our evolution.
> > Yes, I agree. But this is cyclic, no doubt, as everything in life. Things once revealed are now 'occult' again.
> >
> > That which we once knew, we know no more. Learning (something) needs forgetting (other things). Learning needs forgetting in order to make room in our lives for that which is new.
> >
> > And Plato rightfully says that learning is also 'remembering' that which we once knew -- and forgot.
> >
> > Cycles within cycles... of light & learning.
> Perhaps we could also agree that the revealing of things that need to
> be kept secret is not really the province of the students of
> occultism. We may be in a situation where we personally are told not
> to reveal something we are told. This is a matter of personal honor,
> a test of our readiness to know more. It applies to personal life as
> well as to progress on the path to enlightenment.
> But if we have not personally received this warning, and we are
> attempting to apply what we have learned to our lives and problems,
> or to helping others, surely we may allow ourselves to use whatever
> of knowledge or even wisdom we have managed to build within
> ourselves.
> Fortunately the timing of cyclic revealing and concealing is not up
> to the students. It is the Teachers who have this responsibility, and
> the Teachers function in accordance with the Laws of Karma, the
> details of which we students are not currently priveledged to know.
> There are many cases in history of knowledge that has been withdrawn
> because of misuse on the material plane.
> May we not trust Those Who Know to guide us correctly and in our own
> and everyone else's better interest?
> Adelasie
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