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Some more on ?The Royal Oriental Order of Sikha (Apex) and Sat Bhai?

Nov 04, 2006 04:21 AM
by Carl Ek

The Royal Oriental Order of Sikha (Apex) and Sat Bhai

Sorry, but this is a long posting. But I hop some of you will find 
it interesting any way.

Note. I don't take the article of Ellic Howe as 100 % correct (hence 
he knows more about Freemasonry, then Theosophy), but we find anyway 
some interesting facts and points within it.

Could Sat Bhai have anything to do with the "Inner Circle", as found 
in Blavatsky's letter to Hurrychund Chintamon from May 4, 1878, and 
the Simla-letter to H.O. Hume from September 1884 (were Hume was 
appointed" Knight")? Just a thought.


The following person (TS-members) we know for certain members of Sat 
H.P. Blavatsky, H.S. Olcott, W.W. Westcott, Franz Hartmann , Papus, 
John Yarker, Kenneth Mackenzie and Francis G. Irwin.

In the original OTO/Academia Masonica (before Crowley and under 
Kellner, Hartmann and Reuss) the Sat Bhai was one of Masonic 
systems, which was studied (see;

The in the archives of the United Grand Lodge of England are several 
document from and on Sat Bhai, including jewels and certificate (see 
Ars Quatuor Coronatorum 1972).
The webpage of QC;

In "Fringe Masonry in England 1870-85" by Ellic Howe we find:

`The Order of the Sat B'hai was not Mackenzie's invention, still 
less Irwin's, although Mackenzie had a hand in the inflation of this 
comic pseudo-Masonic balloon, which rose a few feet into the air, 
wobbled briefly and then quietly collapsed without the average 
member of the Craft knowing that the thing had ever existed. 

The Sat B'hai's advent was obscurely heralded in a letter 
signed 'Historicus' which was published in The Freemason on 14 
January 1871. The prose style is not unlike Mackenzie's. If so, he 
was unaware that his misinformation referred to the 'rite' which was 
to occupy so much of his time a few years later. 
A brother informs us that a 34 ° of this rite is in existence called 
the 'Apex', thus corresponding with the 90 ° of the Ancient and 
Primitive Rite of Misraim. There are only three holders of 
the 'Apex' in the whole world, who exist by the succession of 
triplicate warrants from Frederick the Great of Prussia, signed 
immediately after the Grand Constitutions. The symbols are the cord 
and the dagger; the ceremonials are very august, 74 . and detail the 
legendary history and object of the degree, which is to draw the 
funds and energies of all the councils of the world to one great 
centre. Grave purposes are said to be in view, but whether such is 
the expulsion of the Turks from Constantinople, or the establishment 
of a single empire either on the Continent or in America, is not 
A letter correcting the inaccuracies perpetrated by 'Historicus' 
appeared about a month later in The Freemason of 18 February 1871. 
Whoever wrote it knew the substance of the Sat B'hai or Apex legend 
much in the form in which it was subsequently developed. 
THE APEX- 49 ° - 81 ° 

A very serious mistake occurs in The Freemason of the 16th [sic] 
ult., in which it is affirmed that 'there are only three holders of 
the Apex in the world, who exist by a succession of triplicate 
warrants from Frederick the Great', and that the symbols of the 
degree are a 'Cord and Dagger'. 

Now, brethren should not be precipitate in their revelations on the 
subject of this climax of our Grand Historics-Masonic mysteries, for 
I am in a position to assert, most emphatically, that the warrants 
in question were not promulgated by Frederick the Great, and that 
the three so-called Apexes were, in fact, no other than the three 
sponsors of the ONE SUPREME APEX, whose very style proclaims his 
crowning and solitary grandeur, and the succession of whose high 
office comes by an Act of Grace on the part of the existing Apex, 
who, under circumstances of the strictest solemnity, and himself 
strictly veiled, transmits to his successor (if practicable, in the 
presence of one or more of the sponsors) the rituals of all other 
orders (some of which are scarcely known in England), contained in 
an antique leaden casket cased in cedar of Libanus (or Lebanon). By 
this means the Apex-elect is, if of one of the lower degrees (but in 
no case under that of a P.M.) under a peculiar dispensation. 
So far, so good: this is a super-Masonic Order and the Apex-elect 
must be a P.M. Furthermore, he has the status of a 'Secret Chief'. 
This particular archetype made its Masonic debut in the 
German 'Strict Observance' (c. 1750) and in a non-Masonic context 
will be found in Westcott's 'Golden Dawn' (The Secret Chiefs of the 
Third Order) and in Theosophy a la Madam Blavatsky in the secret 
rulers of the 'Great White Lodge'. The letter continues: 
True enough, the Cord and Dagger are the symbols of the Sponsors, 
but not of the one unapproachable Apex, for he has seven (hence the 
con-fraternity [sic] known in the East as the Sat-bhae, seven 
brothers), but which failed under a secret suspension of the then 
(1845) Sublime Climax Apex, who, at that period, happened to be on 
one of his tours of secret inspection in India. 

>From the nature of the office of the Grand Climax Apex, 81 °, it has 
been a time immemorial law that his name should never be divulged 
nor his actual identity be known to any but a Sponsor. Sometimes it 
happens, where Apex dies in any remote locality, his successor 
cannot be known to the Sponsors, but the latter can always identify 
the true Apex by the seven symbols which lead to the leaden casket 
that crowns the mystic edifice, and which, with reverence, I venture 
to assert I have seen, but it is not fitting that I should say more. 

There is a remarkable painting, of small size, called 'The Dream of 
Apex'. It represents a man in a gloomy appartment, startled at the 
appearance of a serpent; but for reasons inconvenient to mention, 
the locality cannot be indicated. 

As your correspondent is perhaps aware, the one Supreme Apex takes 
in regular succession, as his symbol, one of the starry signs; but 
these are not numbered as amongst the seven occult symbols. 

Allow me to add, that 'the Frederick the Great' is not a warrant of 
authority. The Emperor Friedrich Barbarossa certainly did issue one, 
but under the superior inspiration of the Veiled Apex, who, at that 
period, is supposed to have been a Venetian. 

N. B - - - - E 
Perhaps the most astonishing disclosure of all was the one published 
in The Freemason of 29 June 1872 signed 'Sp-ns-r [i.e. Sponsor], 
II'. 'It may be sufficent to say,' he wrote, 'that I have seen the 
true jewel of 'Apex' the jewel can be heard as well as seen.' The 
jewel probably incorporated a small bell which tinkled. 

The Royal Oriental Order of Sikha (Apex) and the Sat B'hai, to give 
it its official title - was the brain child of Captain James Henry 
Lawrence Archer (or Lawrence-Archer), Indian Army, although 
Mackenzie did most of the donkey-work and received small thanks for 
his trouble. John Yarker briefly referred to the Order's founder and 
origins in The Arcane Schools, 1909, P. 242: 'This is a Hindu 
Society organized by the Pundit of an Anglo-Indian regiment, and 
brought to this country, about the year 1872, by Captain J. H. 
Lawrence Archer.' In Hindi the word pundit or pandit means a learned 
man, one versed in philosophy, religion and jurisprudence, 
alternatively a learned expert or teacher. In military usage it 
meant a native civilian who was employed to teach the British 
officers of Indian regiments the Hindi language and to read the 
Devanagri script. Nothing is known about the Pundit's 'Hindu 
Society' or the nature of the notes, MSS. etc. which Archer brought 
to England and which Mackenzie in due course attempted to 'work up'. 

Archer was born on 28 July 1823. He was gazetted Second-Lieutenant 
in the 39th Foot Regiment in December 1840 (aet. 17) and served with 
the 24th Foot Regiment throughout the Punjab Campaign in 1848-9. He 
went on half pay as a Captain on 1 January 1869 and remained on the 
half pay list until his death in February 1889. He was initiated in 
Masonry in India in 1851 (aet. 28) and later became a joining member 
of Lodge Canongate Kilwinning No. 2 at Edinburgh. 75 . 

The British Museum catalogue lists the titles of a dozen books by 
him, e.g. genealogical studies, military histories, memoirs of 
Indian campaigns, a work on the Orders of Chivalry etc. 76 . As far 
as the Sat B'hai was concerned he remained in the background. 
Mackenzie used to complain that he was elusive, absent somewhere in 
Scotland and not to be found. Only one letter written by Archer 
survives in Grand Lodge Library. It was addressed to Irwin (6 April 
1875) and because we do not know in what context it was written its 
contents are obscure. Yarker mentioned that his salary as a captain 
on half pay was only 127 pounds per annum, but he must have had 
private means. Mackenzie inferred that Archer hoped to make money 
out of the Sat B'hai. 

The second of the three letters published in The Freemason in 1871 -
2 may have been written by Archer. At that time he was not in touch 
with Mackenzie, but he was already or soon to be acquainted with 
Yarker. There is no evidence that Irwin ever met him, but he was a 
member of the Captain's barely-hatched Order by the end of 1874. 
77 . When Mackenzie arrived on the scene in 1875 the Order existed 
in name rather than in fact. It was he who was to wrestle with the 
insoluble problem of placing this Hindu cuckoo in an English fringe-
Masonic nest. No one was better equipped for this particular 
exercise in human folly. 

On 18 January 1875 Mackenzie told Irwin that he had 'heard of the 
Rite of Apex [i.e. the Sat B'hail and that is all.' Eleven days 
later he asked Irwin for information about the rite for the 
Cyclopaedia. Irwin referred him to Archer with whom he now began to 
correspond. He joined the Order early in April and was appointed one 
of the seven Arch Censors. 'I can say no more because I know no 
more,' he told Irwin. Then on 22 April he wrote: of course you know 
a great deal more about it than you have chosen to say.' On 3 May he 
asked Irwin if he had 'the Code and Mystery and other things'.78 . 
The Code contained information about the Order's structure and its 
rules. John Yarker published what he described as a revised edition 
of the Sat B'hai Code in 1886. The text printed here in Appendix II 
is probably from this edition. 

Early in April 1875 Irwin was already thinking of resigning. 
Archer's letter to him of 6 April refers to this eventuality. The 
postscript reads: 'I send you as requested 2 Codes and 2 Mysteries. 
Kindly send a Post Card to Bro. Yarker to forward to you the third 
copy of each which you require.' Hence Yarker was active in the 
business in an administrative capacity. Mackenzie was beginning to 
busy himself, perhaps rather officiously, in London. On 10 May he 
For the present, until I learn what I want to know in the matter ... 
stick like grim death to a dead nigger in the Apex business. All I 
can say now is that the matter is likely to move. Don't give up your 
Censorship on any account. I have obtained some important evidence 
in writing. Don't do more than stir Bros. Yarker and B. Cox of 
Weston super Mare up. 
His enquiries continued and on 17 May he advised Irwin: 'Pray let us 
leave Apex alone for a little while longer. I assure you there are 
strong reasons for it.' On 24 May he reported the receipt of a 
letter from Archer. 'I would put myself in communication with him,' 
he told Irwin, ' . . . and see what he says - pray don't mention me 
at present. I don't want a Masonic fraud to be perpetrated, verbum 
sap. Ask him what he is doing. It's pretty muddled as it now 
stands.' BY 5 June he was beginning to show more 
enthusiasm: 'Modifications will have to be made before Apex will be 
of much Masonic service to us. But I think there is a brilliant 
future. I will try and see Archer in a few days ... I had a letter 
from Yarker recently but it does not seem to reveal anything very 
definite about Apex. Have you a copy of the code [underlined three 
times]? If you have not, I must send you one, or a printed copy can 
be obtained from Bro. S.P. Leather, Civil Engineer, Burnley, 
Lancashire.' 79 . 

By 11 June 1875 Mackenzie's attitude was again ambivalent. He had 
received a letter from Archer and had learned that 'there is a 
ritual as well as the Code and Mystery'. He informed Irwin that he 
had written to Archer and made various suggestions: 'Have pointed 
out to him that English gentlemen cannot be governed by unknown 
heads and advised him to call a meeting of Sponsors and Censors. I 
did not mention names but (in confidence) I may tell you that I 
might prevail upon Bro. Hervey to accept the fourth censorship, 
still vacant.' 

So now the Grand Secretary of the United Grand Lodge of England was 
to be inveigled into the Apex scheme. Mackenzie did not object 
to 'Secret Chiefs' when they were of his own invention (cf. the 
Order of Ishmael) but disliked the prospect of having to submit to 
their authority when produced out of thin air by someone else, in 
this case Archer. 

By the autumn of 1875 a few recruits had presented themselves. On 19 
October Mackenzie wrote: 'Bro. Ranking has joined the Order of Apex, 
80 . also Colonel Ridgway. Something will have to be done in this 
soon.' On 24 November he reported that 'Brother Col. Ridgway is 
appointed Treasurer General of the Sat B'hai.' Next, on 27 January 
1876 he wrote: 'I think there is every probability of Sir William 
Feilden's brother Bro. J. Leyland Feilden joining the Sat B'hai. It 
is high time that this was brought forward in a more tangible shape, 
but there are so many influences at work that it is very difficult 
to reconcile the elements.' However, at least a little progress was 
being made because on 4 February he was able to report: 'Rite of 
Apex is extending ... I am very carefully selecting the members of 
the section I represent as Daksha. I only wish for real Masons of 
studious habits, likely to render good service.. . My uncle [John 
Hervey] thinks the Order likely to be of great utility.' One wonders 
if the Grand Secretary supposed anything of the sort. 

At this point we are left in a state of suspension as far as Apex or 
the Sat B'hai are concerned because the few surviving letters for 
1876 contain no references to either. In the meantime Mackenzie had 
written an article about the Order which was published in the 
Cyclopaedia probably in the fascicule which was issued late in 1876. 
It commences: 
ROYAL ORIENTAL ORDER OF THE SAT B'HAI - An order incorporated with 
that of Sikha. It originated in India, and is so named after a bird 
held sacred by the Hindus, and known to naturalists as the 
Malacocerus grisius, whose flight, invariably in sevens, has 
obtained for the rite the appellation of the seven (Sat) brethren 
(B'hai). The last meeting in India was held at Allahabad (Pryaya or 
Prag), in the year 1845. It is divided into seven degrees (but, with 
Sikha, composed of the Sponsors, nine), the first being the highest, 
i.e., 1. Arch Censor. 2. Arch Courier. 3. Arch Minister, 4. Arch 
Herald. 5. Arch Scribe. 6. Arch Auditor. 7. Arch Mute. The last 
three degrees are, under certain limitations, open to both sexes, 
but none but Master Masons are admitted into the first four degrees. 
At the end of the article there is a statement which is 'typical 
Mackenzie': 'The order is now firmly established in England and 
Scotland, and has branches in America, Austria, and other 
countries.' It is inconceivable that a rite which had not yet been 
worked in England, because there were still no rituals, had already 
been exported to America and Austria. Finally, as might be 
expected, 'the ceremonies are of an august nature'. 

A.E. Waite once described Mackenzie as 'a shining light of occultism 
hidden in a bushel of secrecy', or in words to that effect. The 
source of the quotation escapes me, although I remember it well. 
Irwin thought much the same and in a long and critical letter 
written on 16 January 1877 referred to Mackenzie's tendency to 
envelop everything in a cloak of mystery. The following probably 
refers to the Order of Ishmael rather than the Sat B'hai: 
There is no one more ready than myself to acknowledge your 
intellectual powers. I am well aware that you could compile a 
hundred Rituals each as good as the average of those in present use, 
but you unfortunately appear to have a desire to surround your 
proceedings with an air of mystery. Now this mystery is all right 
and proper with the greater number of Masons ... but why persevere 
with the mystery - or trying to mvstify one who has been admitted to 
the innermost secrets of the sanctuary? 
Irwin was referring to himself. As for the Sat B'hai: 
The Rite of Apex would have spread rapidly in the most of England 
were it not for this air of mystery. There was the groundwork for 
much that was good and beautiful ... If the ceremony of the Sat 
B'hai is not a beautiful one, it will not be that you are unable to 
so form it, but that an air of mystery will be thrown over it - 
that, to use a common expression, won't go down. 
Mackenzie replied somewhat plaintively on 28 February: 'As to Apex, 
Sikha, Sat B'hai or whatever you like best to call it, I have only 
to say that I am trying my best to bring it on. But I do not find 
there is much enthusiasm about it . . . ' On 3 March he explained at 
some length the difficulty he was having in getting the rituals into 
shape. One of his problems was that neither the Mutes nor the 
Auditors, who were members of the two lowest degrees, had anything 
to do, 'and until this is extricated from the Sanskrit original I do 
not see how a ritual can be issued.' By 5 April he thought that the 
Sat B'hai ritual was nearly finished: 'There is a separate ceremony 
for each grade of the Order . . . ' On 9 August he complained that 
his work was at a standstill because Archer was away and could not 
be found. It seems that without Archer's knowledge of Sanskrit no 
progress was possible. The position was much the same in October and 
he had now quarrelled with Archer. He knew, too, that some members 
were becoming restive, hence 'we cannot expect others to take an 
interest in the Sat B'hai until we give them something for their 
money . . . ' He was also now aware that for Archer, at least, the 
Sat B'hai had a certain commercial element: 'I am sorry that Bro. 
Archer's means are so slight that he is forced to make money out of 
the Sat B'hai . . . ', he wrote on 20 October. 

Late in 1877 Bro. Charles Scott, of Omagh, Co. Tyrone in Ireland, 
sent Irwin three indignant letters on the subject of Mackenzie and 
the Sat B'hai within the course of five weeks. 
[21 October 1877]. I know nothing of Apex more than I did three 
years ago ... I assume that the Sat B'hai is a humbug devised to 
raise the wind. Bros. Archer-and Mackenzie have fallen out. This is 
plain by Archer's notes, so that Mackenzie is now Apex and Ishmael 
and I suppose his fertile genius is conceiving something else racy 
for the gulls. 

[29 October 1877]. As for Apex I am washing my hands of it. It is no 
use and only fit for gulls and dupes ... I can't introduce the Order 
over here so I shall resign all connection with it. 

[26 November 1877]. I wrote to Yarker withdrawing from Apex as I 
could not understand it nor had I any opportunities of meeting those 
who did ... It was only laughed at by my clever friends who promptly 
refused to join a rite of very questionable benefit. 
By 9 November 1877 Mackenzie had completed the following ceremonies: 
	1. Opening an Ashayam
2. Working and closing the same
3. Initiation (general)
4. Admission of a Mute
5. Passing a Mute to Auditor 
6. Advancing Auditor to Scribe 	7. Passing Scribe to Herald 
8. Consecrating Herald as a Minister
9. Entrusting a Courier 
10. Ceremony of Relegation
11. Ceremony of Perfection
12. Various Lectures, Regulations &c. 

On 25 January 1878 he wrote more in sorrow than in anger to 
Irwin: 'I hear nothing at all from Bro. Yarker. Bro. Archer is 
mysterious. You and Bro. Scott have, it seems, both resigned and 
from another source I hear that Madam Blavatsky is the head of the 
Order! This last item of news is "quite too awfully laughable".' He 
finally admitted defeat on 27 January 1879: 'As to Apex I should not 
trouble myself about it', he advised Irwin. 'I regard it as a thing 
of the past.' 

However, the Order of the Sat B'hai was not quite as moribund as 
Mackenzie supposed. A few years later John Yarker ingeniously 
amalgamated its Ceremony of Perfection with the ritual of a recent 
novelty called the Order of Light. 

Frederick Hockley, who had no connection with fringe-Masonry, but 
knew Irwin and Mackenzie well, was the first to die (10 November 
1885). His will included a legacy of 19 guineas to Mackenzie, who 
followed him on 3 July 1886, shortly before his fifty-third 
birthday. The deterioration in his handwriting in the last of his 
letters to Irwin (20 November 1885) suggests that his health had 
greatly failed. 

Latterly (1883-5) he had been tinkering with the formation of an 
exclusive little 'club' called The Society of Eight, apparently for 
the study of alchemy. Its prospective members in August 1883 were 
Irwin, Yarker, the Rev. W. A. Ayton 85 . and Frederick Holland, whom 
Mackenzie described as 'a technically experienced chymist and 
metallurgist', and who was a member of the Societas Rosicruciana in 

In a letter to Irwin (24 August 1883) Mackenzie wrote: I fear that 
Bro. Hockley is too advanced in years to join. I do not think that 
Stainton Moses would do at all; there are reasons I cannot enter 
upon. Dr. Westcott also will not do. If Holland gets him to join I 
will at once retire.' By the end of 1885 he had quarrelled with 
Holland and on 20 November told Irwin: 'Society of Eight quite 
dormant, thro' Holland's fault.' Towards the end his relationship 
with Yarker cannot have been satisfactory. The obituary notice in 
the latter's periodical The Kneph (August 1896) could hardly have 
been briefer or more perfunctory. "

"Although one would suppose that the Sat B'hai was completely dead 
and buried by 1885 both Irwin and Cox were keeping it going in a 
small way in the West Country. On 15 December Cox wrote: 'I will 
assist by taking No. 2 Censorship and I would suggest that Dr. Nunn 
be asked to take the other ... there can be no harm in asking him, 
the only objection is that he does not care much for occultism.' 
Almost two years later Cox reported: 'Dr. Nunn intends to wear at 
our Thursday's meeting his Sat B'hai jewel ... I forgot to say that 
Bro. Dr. Nunn thinks that by wearing the jewel of the Sat B'hai at 
our meeting it may be the means of others joining without outside 
solicitation.' 85 ."

Footnotes to above:

74) 74) Cf. Mackenzie's letter to Irwin of 23 October 1874 quoted on 
p. 265 above, in which he described the Order of Ishmael's 
ceremonies as being 'of a most august nature'.^ 
(75) See John Yorker's biographical article in The Kneph, Vol. II, 
April 1882, p. 13O- I am indebted to Miss E. Talbot Rice, Research 
Assistant to the Director of the National Army Museum, London, for 
detailed particulars of Archer's military career.^ 
(76) Lack of time has prevented me from inspecting Archer's books. 
His Idone: or, Incidents in the Life of a Dreamer, 1852, published 
when he was twenty-nine, might repay study.^ 
(77) See the certificate in Grand Lodge Library dated the 'first day 
of Winter Solstice 1874'. Irwin was given the 'spiritual and mystic 
name Kartikeya'.^ 
(78) This letter includes a reference to R. W. Lirde's Ancient and 
Archaeological Society of Druids: 'Don't have anything to do with 
the Druids. It is only Little in another form and what information 
he has, he obtained from me. I paid some fees to the precious order 
and have never heard anything more of it,' Mackenzie wrote. 
According to the Cyclopaedia it was 'a quasi-Masonic body, 
reconstituted by Bro. R. Wenrworth Little in October 1874 ... Master 
Masons alone are admissible to this body which, it is to be hoped, 
will show signs of vitality at some time not far distant.' Mackenzie 
mentioned it again on 26 February 1877: 'I know I paid a 
subscription and I was told the money was spent on a feed but I had 
none of it.'^ 
(79) Samuel Petty Leather was a close friend of John Yarker, who 
lived nearby at Manchester, and active in all the latter's fringe-
Masonic promotions. In 1882 he was second in the hierarchy of 
Yarker's 'Antient and Primitive Rite of Masonry, inclusive of 
Memphis and Misraim'. On 22 February 1875 when Irwin was already 
doubtful about the Apex project he wrote: 'I indeed feel grieved to 
hear you have had much trouble through "Apex" and think you will do 
well to let it rest a while. There is one point in your letter. You 
call it "The Rite of Apex". I have not looked upon "Apex" as a rite. 
If I were to do so I should at once stop. I am not quite clear on 
this point. There are already too many Rites in Masonry - my rude 
objection to the introduction of ceremonial observances was the fear 
that it might become a rite.'^ 
(80) David Fearon Ranking was a member of the Rosicrucian Society in 
1879. He joined Westcott's Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in June 
1892 but resigned soon after when he was made a bankrupt.^ 
(81) The Osiris Temple had a short life. Cox initiated eight male 
members, all of them Freemasons, in 1888 and two more in 1890.^ 
(82) Grand Lodge Library has a more or less contemporary MS. copy of 
the charter.^ 
(83) William Stainton Moses (1840-92) took Holy Orders in c. 1868 
but resigned from a chaplaincy in the Isle of Man in 1872 when he 
became interested in spiritualism and returned to London, where he 
taught English at University College School. He was a founder of the 
London Spiritualist Alliance, a frequent contributor to the 
spiritualist press and for some years editor of Light. He was also a 
well known private medium. When the Rosicrucian Society's Burdett 
(London) College was founded in December 1867 its Fratres included 
Stainton Moses and R. Palmer Thomas. The latter was later to be a 
prominent member of the Golden Dawn.^ 
(84) In 1877 the Theosophical Society, which was inaugurated in New 
York in November 1875 was still hardly known in Great Britain. 
However, there is evidence to show that H. P. Blavatsky's first 
important book, Isis Unveiled, 1877, was being read in Rosicrucian 
Society circles soon after its publication. The Society's remarkable 
expansion did not begin until May 1887 when Madame Blavatsky settled 
permanently in London. Stainton Moses was a Fellow of the New York 
Theosophical Society in 1878 and one of the few Englishmen to have 
any connection with it. He immediately procured honorary membership 
for Mackenzie. Yarker met H.P. Blavatsky when she was briefly in 
England at the end of 1878 and appears to have given her what 
purported to be a Masonic initiation. The history of 'Co-Masonry' in 
this country began with Yarker and continued under Theosophical 
Society auspices.^ 
(85) William Alexander Ayton (1816-1909), Vicar of Chacombe, 
Northamptonshire. He had an alchemical laboratory in his cellar and 
was afraid that his Bishop would learn of its existence. He was 
among the first to join the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in 
1888. W. B. Yeats, who met him in the G. D. milieu in 1890, 
described him as 'an old white-haired clergyman, the most panic-
stricken person I have ever known' (Autobiographies, 1926, pp. 227-
8). S. L. MacGregor Mathers introduced him to Yeats at a G.D. 
ceremony with the words: 'He unites us to the great adepts of the 
past.' Ayton was invested as Provincial Grand Chaplain for 
Oxfordshire in 1875.^ 
Read the whole article on

See further:
Ars Quatuor Coronatorum, the Transactions of Quatuor Coronati Lodge 
No. 2076, UGLE in Volume 85 for the year 1972. [p. 242.]

And the Sat Bhai Code on

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