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Nov 01, 2006 06:24 AM
by carlosaveline


Thanks a lot.

Summing up: in how many countries do you believe the Pasadena is active right now?  Some ten, perhaps? 

Your testimony gives us a sad picture, since the Pasadena Theos. Society has an enormous and central importance for the movement as a whole, and one would expect and hope it is as strong as possible.     

But your testimony can make some of us think ahead and see the need for action.

Thinking of the movement as a whole, attachment to dead letter and avoiding 'conflicting issues' may be among the 'secret' causes of this tendency, which one can see in every quarter and section of the movement, in greater or smaller intensity.

What can -- and what should be done then? 

Any ideas about causes and propositions as to the future? 

I would like to hear about this. 

Regards,  Carlos.


Data:Wed, 01 Nov 2006 03:55:17 -0000

Assunto:Theos-World Re: THE MAP OF THE MOVEMENT

> Carlos, and Friends,
> What you have heard about the Pasadena TS in the US is true.
> The Sections of the Pasadena TS, which I have personal regular 
> contacts with, are those in Australia, Sweden and Finland. 
> In Australia (the Australasian Section), there are two groups. One, 
> the largest (between 15 and 20 persons per meetings, and of this 5-6 
> are members) are in Melbourne (they meet in their own library). This 
> group has two public lectures per month (the second and fourth 
> Saturday), and the other one is in Brisbane. They are around five, 
> and meet occasionally in one members home. The Section has a 
> Newsletter, with four numbers per year, that are both online and 
> printed. The Section has not had any publishing activity for many 
> years. 
> In Sweden is there only one study group (they meet once every 
> fortnight, between 15 and 20 persons per meetings, and of this 2 are 
> members) left, and this one is in Gothenburg. The Swedish Section 
> publishes a magazine with four numbers per year, called "Teosofisk 
> Forum". This is not as the other Pasadena publications, a translated 
> version of Sunrise. It has its own profile, and in that matter very 
> rare. The Theosophical Library in Stockholm was closed last year, 
> together with the publishing company (the last book stock was given 
> away for some six months ago to the Theosophy Company in Malmö).
> The Finish Section exists only on the paper today. There have been 
> no activities, for many years. 
> One the other hand, so are the British Section probably the 
> strongest one today, and the only one with active members under 50 
> (sic!). But I know one in person in Sweden, so one can find a few 
> others. Please don't take this as a joke, it is the cold fact.
> I have visit Pasadena groups/branches in seven countries, and know 
> that the biggest problem within the Pasadena TS today, is that the 
> average age of its members are around 75, but they are also very 
> few. It is often only one or two person within the whole sections 
> that carries out more or less all the work. The HQ knows very well 
> that this doesn't go any more, and Rand Grubb has said that he plans 
> to reorganize the whole Society, but has not said yet what he is 
> going to do. 
> This is really sad!
> The Point Loma groups are to be found in Germany and the Netherlands 
> (seven groups which I know about). The most of them are very small, 
> and some of them have problems with, sorry to call it that, "sect 
> tendencies". Their "Leader" is the "one and only true Leader of the 
> whole Theosophical Movement", and can therefore have problems with 
> their contacts with "outsider". I had contact last year with one of 
> this "Leaders", and I noticed this very well. But in Germany the 
> T.S. in Germany (HQ in Berlin), which was founded by Dr. Franz 
> Hartmann in 1897, is still quit strong and active in many places 
> (the so called "Hübbe-Schleiden-society" was united whit this in 
> 1969), and the strongest TS, more or less the same "size" as Adyar 
> TS, in Germany. I have a list of the different theosophical 
> societies and groups that are active today in Germany and the 
> Netherlands, which I made when I was living in Germany last year. If 
> anyone is interested, please tell me and I will post it here. 
> Carl
> --- In, "carlosaveline" 
> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > Friends,
> > 
> > 
> > I hear that only a small number of Pasadena TS groups are still 
> really active in the USA. 
> > 
> > Can anyone confirm that? And what about Pasadena groups outside 
> the USA?
> > 
> > And Point Loma groups? I thought the diversity in the movement was 
> much better and that Pasadena was much stronger. At least, their 
> Theosophical University Press is strong -- that IS something. 
> > 
> > I know Adyar TS is also innerly weak in a number of countries. 
> > 
> > I believe, nay, I am sure the movement's weakness is seasonal, 
> and it in fact prepares a new effort.
> > 
> > Regards, Carlos.
> > 
> > 
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> >
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