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Aug 17, 2006 05:32 PM
by W.Dallas TenBroeck

Aug 17  ‘06



I will ask my friend Leon Maurer to answer that section of your commentary
relative to “string theory."

The analogy to the 11th chapter of the Gita is helpful.  Especially the
LIFE-GIVER for all of us.

But the "Lord Krishna" ( is  ATMAN -- HE is an Avatar) and is far more than
man's “Higher Manas.”  He represents the WHOLE PERFECT UNIVERSE
(personified).  He recognizes in Arjuna (representative of any "man") the
resident Ray (ATMA) of the ONE SPIRIT of the UNIVERSE (as an immortal MONAD
-- ATMA-BUDDHI – where BUDDHI is also known as “Mulaprakriti” or the essence

Arjuna is 'Nara' or “man.” He is the Immortal, Eternal Pilgrim, working, as
a mind-being towards a self-conscious awareness of this interior divinity.
He is the Witness of this  Vision and yet remains separate from it. He
retains his own Individuality as ATMA-BUDDHI-MANAS.  Reincarnation is the
process whereby the ultimate DIVINITY of PURE MORAL WISDOM (willing
obedience to Karma) is perceived as the only sacred, self-sacrificing DUTY
that should guide us in our choices in every moment of our living.  

This juxtaposition of moral and scientific analysis is vital to transit the
adjacent planes of life. It is motive and motive alone that enables the
individual (Lower Manas) to rise to the stature and genius of the innate

This what I meant by the need for deep study.  This interconnection is
operative and we have to become actively and continually attentive to it.
Not a thought, desire or act of ours on this physical plane but has a
reciprocal impact on all the rest of the atoms (little-lives, or Skandhas)
that fill the “void – Space  --  “black-matter ?” ) of the Universe. 

The concept of the instantaneous effect shows us how ancient science linked
Karma and human life an circumstances from “past” to “present,” and from
’small´ to  “Large.” From antiquity to present day pleasures and pains --
and all the many kinds of circumstances that we find ourselves in.

Of what use is our Theosophical philosophy, unless it helps to explain these
things in a way that the  modern mind trained in scientific modes can
understand them. 

Best wishes,

Of course in the 11th Chapter (Gita)  we are finding a description o f the
DIVINE FORM encompassing all the possible diverse forms in manifestation.

The Universe has a great PLAN and this is forever stored in the UNIVERSAL
MIND of which Krishna stands as evidence.  Th whole of the Gita explains
this in detail and also shows the correlation between the Spiritual Ideal
and the struggling "Lower Maas" that we all are, from incarnation the

Best  wishes,



-----Original Message-----
From: Cass Silva
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 6:40 PM



I am not sure what point you are trying to make. If we have a duty, surely
it is the duty of knowing ourselves. Krishna representing higher manas
Arjuna representing lower manas. The battle is not won by the contemplative
but by the warrior within.


There is living scientist, he has bachelor's degree in Linguistics 
and history besides other credentials , a volunteer in the McGovern 
presidential campaign , a soft spoken man , and his name is not well 
known in general public, but the scientific world call him Genius, 
compare him to the greatness of Einstein . He is scientist for 
scientists and his name is Edward Witten , Professor at institute 
for Advanced study , Princeton, New Jersey, where Einstein spent his 
last years of life.. 

Edward Witten solved the many riddles of string theory with his 
mathematical and scientific prowess to the amazement of his fellow 
scientists. He proposed an additional 11th dimension as one of the 
strings with enormous energy stretches as big as just like our 
universe .It also explains the existence of parallel universes with 
in grasp of our hand .But we are trapped in higher dimensions, could 
not able to move to the other universes like as we are trapped by 
four walled room with out doors. We are searching for a window in 
the dark room . We may get a rare flash picture of parallel universe 
on the other side of the wall , where the hunt continues at Fermi 
labs in Illinois, and soon to be operational at CERN labs in 
Switzerland . These bizarre ideas are not coming from crack pots but 
a Noble laureates with unparallel credentials. 

Yes!! A single strand of energy , the string, grown in to as big as 
our universe as the 11 th dimension , just like membranes . In short 
they are called "Branes". 
These ideas may be very novel to westerners, but easterners of 
Hindu descent understand with little ease with out advanced degrees 
in physics through puranas and Vedas.
Two Indian scientist's Contributions appear from a distant past 
in the String theory after their long passing. 
One is Satyendranath Bose ( The particles called Bosons named after 
him ) and the other one is Srinivasa Ramanujam , along with his 
mystic mathematical modular functions. 

Coming back to Mahabharata our beloved Krishna ,lord of 
gravity ,who is famous chariot jockey for great warrior Arjuna . As 
Arjuna enters the war with his famous jockey Krishna with his 
chariot , was extremely saddened and disappointed about fighting his 
fellow friends ,cousins and most of all his teachers. Arjuna felt he 
does not have inner strength to kill his own family, friends and 
most of all his reverend teachers. But Krishna took him away from 
the war scene and gave him the most powerful and revealing wisdom of 
life and death in order to convince him that he is just mere pawn 
in his grand old universe, . The conversation between Krishna and 
Arjuna is called " The Bagwig Gita" (song of God) which became the 
scared text for Hindu religion.

As strange as 11th dimension in string theory ,with amazing 
coincidence, 11th chapter in Bagwig Gita reveals the 
Multidimensional universal form of Krishna.

Here are some of the excerpts from Bagwig Gita in Sanskrit language 
followed by translation.( The source BHAGAVAD Gita as it is" by 
Swami )

pasya me partha rupani 
sataso 'tha sahasrasah 
nana-vidhani divyani 
nana-varnakrtini ca

: Krishna said:

 My dear Arjuna, O son of Prtha, behold now My 
opulences, hundreds of thousands of varied and multidimensional 
divine forms, multicolored like the sea.

ihaika-stham jagat krtsnam 
pasyadya sa-caracaram 
mama dehe gudakesa 
yac canyad drastum icchasi

Krishna to Arjuna:

Whatever you wish to see can be seen all at once in this body. This 
universal form can show you all that you now desire, as well as 
whatever you may desire in the future. Everything is here completely.

na tu mam sakyase drastum 
anenaiva sva-caksusa 
divyam dadami te caksuh 
pasya me yogam aisvaram

Krishna to Arjuna:

But you cannot see Me with your present eyes. Therefore I give to you 
divine eyes by which you can behold My mystic opulence.

divi surya-sahasrasya 
bhaved yugapad utthita 
yadi bhah sadrsi sa syad 
bhasas tasya mahatmanah

Arjuna to Krishna:

If hundreds of thousands of suns rose up at once into the sky, they 
might resemble 
The effulgence of the Supreme Person in that universal form.

atraika-stham jagat krtsnam 
pravibhaktam anekadha 
apasyad deva-devasya 
sarire pandavas tada


At that time Arjuna could see in the universal form of the Lord the 
unlimited expansions of the universe situated in one place although 
divided into many, many thousands.

pasyami tvam sarvato 'nanta-rupam 
nantam na madhyam na punas tavadim 
pasyami visvesvara visva-rupa

Arjuna to Krishna:

O Lord of the universe, I see in Your universal body many, many forms-
-bellies, mouths, eyes--expanded without limit. There is no end, 
there is no beginning, and there is no middle to all this.

anadi-madhyantam ananta-viryam 
ananta-bahum sasi-surya-netram 
pasyami tvam dipta-hutasa-vaktram 
sva-tejasa visvam idam tapantam

Arjuna to Krishna: 
You are the origin without beginning, middle or end. You have 
numberless arms, and the sun and moon are among Your great unlimited 
eyes. By Your own radiance You are heating this entire universe.

sri-bhagavan uvaca 
kalo 'smi loka-ksaya-krt pravrddho 
lokan samahartum iha pravrttah 
rte 'pi tvam na bhavisyanti sarve 
ye 'vasthitah pratyanikesu yodhah

Krishna to Arjuna

The Blessed Lord said: Time I am, destroyer of the worlds, and I have 
come to engage all people. With the exception of you [the Pandavas], 
all the soldiers here on both sides will be slain.

kasmac ca te na nameran mahatman 
gariyase brahmano 'py adi-kartre 
ananta devesa jagan-nivasa 
tvam aksaram sad-asat tat param yat

Arjuna to Krishna:

O great one, who stands above even Brahma, You are the original 
master. Why should they not offer their homage up to You, O limitless 
one? O refuge of the universe, You are the invincible source, the 
cause of all causes, transcendental to this material manifestation.

namah purastad atha prsthatas te 
namo 'stu te sarvata eva sarva 
ananta-viryamita-vikramas tvam 
sarvam samap- nosi tato 'si sarvah

Arjuna to Krishna:

Obeisances from the front, from behind and from all sides! O 
unbounded power, You are the master of limitless might! You are all-
pervading, and thus You are everything!

Krishna blesses Arjuna with divine sight , which could not been seen 
with naked eye to feel the awesome display of his multidimensional 
and multicolored universal form .

As observed by Arjuna, Krishna's 
transcendental form has no beginning ,no middle and no ending. 
Krishna's universal form embodies every kind of life exits on earth 
and every where. In his multi dimensions, Krishna displayed the 
time dimension, where he made Arjuna realized all his reverend 
teachers, cousins, and his dear ones already killed. .Through 
Krishna's universal form and his amazing powers Arjuna realized, 
he is just an actor to follow his duties as a warrior in the grand 
old scheme. 

No other religion or philosophy has come this close to the most 
advanced theories of physics describing the gravity, time travel and 
multiple dimensions.

Bhagavad Gita ( Song of God) irrespective of its religious 
affiliation, shines in front of the most intellectuals in the world , 
and must be read book, for enthusiasts of string theory and 
unification theory.

The line between a sacred philosophy " Bhagvad Gita" and the most 
advanced theory of Physics " String theory" is getting blurred and 
both try to make us understand the true intent and purpose of our 
lives in this complex universe. 

Mahatma Gandhi , Buddha along the lines of meaning of Bhagavad 
Gita ,are in harmony with one of the Albert Einstein's quote 

" A human being is part of the whole called by us :universe" , a part 
limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and 
feelings as something separated from the rest. A kind of optical 
delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for 
us , restricting us to our own personal desires and to affection for 
few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from 
this prison. By widening our circle of compassion to embrace all 
living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Nobody is 
able to achieve this completely but the striving for such achievement 
is, in itself a part of the liberation and foundation for our inner 

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