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Aug 11, 2006 07:28 AM
by logos_student2000

Dear LM,

First let us be clear that the civilian non-combatants in Israel are 
innocent victims, just as are the civilian non-combatant in 
Lebanon.  You mentioned that 

"....while the Muslim supporters of Hezbollah and Hamas in those 
countries joyfully cheer the deaths of all innocent civilians of any 
other belief or nationality they consider to be Infidels".  

I find this statement simply untrue and rather 'seemingly' 
ignorant.  If you want to paint all Muslims with the same brush as 
people who would do this, you must also be getting all your news 
from Zionist run media, see? You also forgot about all the 
Christians and Jews who seem to "blend in" just fine with all the 
Muslims being murdered in Lebanon.  

I find your response interesting in that you mentioned "Neo Nazis" 
taking advantage of the terrible circumstances of war.  So…. who now 
speaks for Lebanon, Fox News, CNN, and Sky?  Let us suppose that the 
events (as presented) in the links Frank provided are in fact true.  
Are we now supposed to shun any supposed "Neo-Nazi" for speaking the 
truth by showing us the horrors of war in Lebanon?  Certainly you 
failed to mention how the Neo-Zionists (in Washington and London) 
who told Israel to invade Lebanon are as bad as the supposed "anti-
Semitic Neo-Nazi's" showing us some pictures of a nation being 
invaded by a known terrorist state?  

I understand you think Hezbollah are terrorists and you called 
them "…..cowards using civilians as shields."  Dear LM, are you not 
aware that this information was proven false and that in fact 
Hezbollah has not been doing this?  I also wonder where are 
Hezbollah to stand?  Perhaps, they should stand still in the middle 
of an empty street and place a giant "X" on themselves?  Perhaps, 
they would much rather fight from inside their homes – if they still 
had any left! 

You also mentioned Hezbollah "…..generate such propaganda whenever 
they are attacked and unavoidable non combatant deaths and injuries 
occur".  I wish to ask you now:  What do you suppose Hezbollah was 
doing before their country was first invaded and did they even exist 
before that time?


--- In, leonmaurer@... wrote:
> More emotional propaganda favoring only one side of the conflict 
in the 
> Middle East.
> War is hell wherever it occurs, for all those involved in it.   
It's a sure 
> thing that the pictures of innocent civilians (of every ethnic or 
> group) killed by the fanatic Hamas terrorists and Hezbollah 
rockets in Israel are 
> just as gruesome, if not more so.   
> It's interesting that the Israelis mourn the inadvertent civilian 
deaths in 
> the countries of those that attacked them mercilessly with intent 
> genocidally exterminate an entire ethnic group, and who cowardly 
use those civilians as 
> shields, so as to protect themselves, as well as generate such 
> whenever they are attacked and unavoidable non combatant deaths 
and injuries occur 
> ...   While the Muslim supporters of Hezbollah and Hamas in those 
> joyfully cheer the deaths of all innocent civilians of any other 
belief or 
> nationality they consider to be Infidels. 
> It's evident that the Neo Nazis are taking advantage of this 
unfortunate but 
> inevitable conflict to justify their vicious anti Semitism based 
on blanket 
> generalities and outright lies.
> LM


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