Aug 10, 2006 01:10 PM
by carlosaveline
Dear Marie,
The upper triad in me greets the upper triad in you, or -- namaste.
In peace and truce, Carlos.
Data:Wed, 9 Aug 2006 22:57:57 EDT
Assunto:[Spam] Re: Theos-World UTOPIA AND H.P.B.
> Carlos, your below message is very inspiring to me, and very well phrased.
> Marie
> In a message dated 8/8/2006 2:29:16 PM Central Daylight Time,
> writes:
> Dear Friends,
> Seven years after the closing of the "end-of-century effort", we now see
> wholesale fear, violence and terrorism involving USA and Europe, Lebanon,
> Israel, Afghanistan, the African countries, Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, Nepal and
> other parts of the world.
> In moments like this, it is always useful to meditate upon some key
> sentences by HPB.
> These words were written in 1889, in anticipation of the wars that would
> come after HPB´s life. It was the causes or karmic roots of these wars that HPB
> fought, as she and many of her co-disciples prepared the ground for that
> universal brotherhood which will eventually turn wars unnecessary.
> (In the following lines, as HPB refers to the "Theosophical Society", we
> should read "Theosophical Movement".)
> HPB wrote:
> "Let them therefore prepare to cut each other´s throats and let them
> exterminate more people in one day in war than the Caeser´s killed in a whole year
> (...)."
> "Theosophists are powerless to stop them. That is true. But it is in their
> power to save as many survivors as possible. Being a nucleus of a true
> Brotherhood, it depends upon them to make of their Society an ark destined, in a
> future not too distant, to transport the humanity of a new cycle beyond the vast
> muddy waters of the deluge of hopeless materialism. These waters are rising
> and in the present moment flood all the civilized countries. Are we going to
> let the good perish with the bad, afraid of the hue and cry and the ridicule
> of the latter, either against the Theosophical Society or ourselves? Are we
> going to see them perish one after the other, one from fatigue, the other
> vainly seeking the ray of sunlight which shines for all, without throwing them a
> plank of salvation? Never!"
> "It may well be that the beautiful utopia, the philanthropic dream, that
> sees as if in a vision the triple wish of The Theosophical Society come true, is
> still far off : entire and complete freedom of human conscience granted to
> all, brotherhood established between the rich and the poor, and equality
> between the aristocrat and the plebeian recognized in theory as well as in
> practice - these are so many castles in Spain, and for a good reason. All this must
> take place naturally and voluntarily, on both sides; however, the time has
> not yet come for the lion and the lamb to lie down together. The great reform
> must come about without social upheaval, without spilling a drop of blood;
> solely in the name of that axiomatic truth of Oriental philosophy which shows us
> that the great disparity of fortunes, of social rank and intellect, is due
> but to the effects of the personal Karma of every human being. We harvest but
> what we have sown. (...) He who is thoroughly impressed by the philosophic
> truth that every `Ego´ begins and ends by being the indivisible ALL, cannot
> love his neighbour less than himself. But, until the time this becomes a
> religious truth, no such reform can possibly take place. (......) In the meantime
> what we should seek is to bring some peace on earth to the hearts of those who
> suffer, by lifting for them a corner of the veil which hides from them
> divine truth. Let the strong point the way to the weak and help them to climb the
> steep slope of existence. Let them turn their gaze upon the Beacon-light
> which shines upon the horizon, beyond the mysterious and unchartered sea of the
> Theosophical sciences, like a new star of Bethlehem, and let the desinherited
> of life take hope . . . H. P. Blavatsky" (1)
> One of the many conclusions we may get to, from studying once and again
> these superb lines, is that in Esoteric Science merely logical reasoning at the
> dualistic level is sometimes worse than useless.
> Only an expanded consciousness can grasp the esoteric view of life, a view
> which includes both outer dualism and contrast, and inner unity and harmony.
> Indeed, it is by acknowledging our own individual co-responsibility for the
> future of mankind, nay, of all beings, that we get to be able to really learn
> what is Theosophy about : universal compassion.
> Strangely as it may sound, planetary utopia must begin with everyone of us,
> and it technically depends on each one´s "Antahkarana", the bridge between
> the higher and the lower in individual life.
> Best regards, Carlos.
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