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Aug 10, 2006 12:50 PM
by carlosaveline


Thanks for the collective  question. 

I will comment it.

We live in society.

We depend on mutual help to survive. Clothes, shoes, cars, airplanes, computers, newspapers and books are all results of various levels of mutual help.  Piotr Kropotkin showed in an  admirable book  that mutual help comes from the chemical level, is central among vegetal individuals, among  animals and human beings. 

So, it is quite natural that there be several levels of mutual help in, and within, the search for Universal Truth. 

We need to dialogue, to exchange views. 

That does not mean we need a bureaucratic, centralized, ritualistic, top-down and authoritarian Church disguised under the apparently liberal name of "Society". 

But mutual help and dialogue are inherent in human life,  and also inherent in the spiritual path. 

Just my testimony. Best  regards,   Carlos.


Data:Wed, 9 Aug 2006 22:15:04 -0700 (PDT)


> Perry,
> I would like to pose a question to the group.
> "Are we still holding on to old thinking in that we are emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually in need of a society to belong to?"
> What is it about humans that they need to belong to "groups?".
> I realise the first question coming from this is, 'how will the ancient teachings be spread without a unified body". 
> Perhaps the answer is a Hall of Knowlege that encompasses all truths, accessible to all through the internet, a central United Nations of seminal religious thought, co-relational but independant. A synthesis of all truths.
> Awaiting others comments.
> Cass
> plcoles1 wrote: Hello Marie,
> Thanks for your comments !
> Since 2004 I have been posting here at theos-talk you can read my 
> first posting below.
> I actually had resigned from the TS (I resigned in 2001 I think) of 
> my own accord and was trying to raise some issues I had with the 
> Adyar TS and create dialogue on these here at theos talk.
> To cut a long story short I reached a point where I thought that 
> perhaps I may rejoin the Society despite my issues with the TS and do 
> what ever work I could within it.
> However earlier this year my application to re-applying for 
> membership was rejected by National Section in Australia unanimously
> I was invited to re-apply for membership in twelve months "if you 
> find that you have a genuine compatibility with the ethos, official 
> statements and broad scope of the teachings of the TS with its 
> headquarters at Adyar".
> This implied that I didn't a `compatibility with the ethos, official 
> statements and broad scope of the teachings of the TS with its 
> headquarters at Adyar' and had to acquire one.
> I suppose you'd have to read my postings to see if you concur with 
> the decission or not.
> Cheers
> Perry
> --- In, MarieMAJ41@... wrote:
> >
> > Perry, could you elaborate a bit about your "expulsion" from the 
> Adyar TS? 
> > When, why, etc. Of course, if you do not wish to dredge it up, I do 
> understand. 
> > But if it was a matter of censorship, was it under Algeo's reign?
> > 
> > I can hardly believe that I am affiliated with a society that has 
> so little 
> > tolerance for freedom of thought and expression. But I should have 
> know when I 
> > found that books in the Library were taken from the shelves, or 
> not put on 
> > at all. All this was done under the guise of placing the books 
> into "archives" 
> > to which almost noone had access without obtaining permission, 
> from you 
> > guessed it, the power that be.
> > 
> > Marie
> > 
> > 
> > 
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> >
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