To Pedro Oliveira
Aug 02, 2006 08:02 AM
by carlosaveline
Pedro [Oliveira] ,
Angela is well and preparing her thesis for a Master's Degree on the Teaching of Inter-Disciplinary Sciences in High Schools -- at the University of Brasília.
I hear Linda Oliveira is "charismatic" as a speaker, and I hope she is well.
I do not see the reason for so many personal emotions after I repeated here a few texts which were not written by me, but my K. Paul Johnson, on the mysterious activities of Mr. Daniel Caldwell and his alter egos or hidden personalities, including "David Green" and "Terry".
I wonder if Bill Meredith will ever tell Theos-talk people who helped K. Paul Johnson in his detailed and successful investigation about the "occult" activities of Daniel Cadlwell. Bill seems interested in clarifying in Theos-talk more aspects of P. Johnson's views about this.
See, Pedro, I am also a journalist in my basic profession. I believe in the investigation of facts, as you may have noticed. For me, facts come before the writing of the "text", so to say.
Yet the search for truth is often challenging. We are all familiar with the concepts of Probation and tests. As I believe you are still apriest of the L.C.C., I do not need to tell you where the key notion of Probation can be found in the New Testament. So there is no reason for personal nervousness among people, each time difficult questions are openly faced.
Agree? Good.
We are all familiar with the notion of truthfulness. And I can't understand why there should be such a variety of emotional reactions when someone mentions the actual reasons why CWL was expelled -- one hundred years ago in 1906 -- from the Adyar TS. He was expelled by H. S. Olcott with worldwide support. He had to wait for Olcott's death to come back.
After so many years, what is the problem with acknowledging CWL's many "clairvoyant" fancies?
Accepting such facts and learning from them, Pedro, is important. Why? Because CWL happens to be the "clairvoyant" who created the "inner" structure of the Adyar Society since 1900, still half-operating now, with its various rites and ritualisms.
Such a power structure is quite different from the "federation of independent thinkers" created, or at least conceived, by HPB, HSO, WQJ, Damodar, S. Row etc. Such a ritualistic and top-down structure may lack occult legitimacy, just as CWL's visits to Mars and Mecury, or CWL's talks to "Lord Christ", or Wedgwood's, Besant's and Arundale's adepthood announcement in the 1920s.
To those who look at it superficially, it may appear that I am commenting persons -- perhaps "Daniel Caldwell" and "John Algeo", or CWL, Wedgwood and AB. I am not. I am commenting Sophistry. Please go to the "Sophist", by Plato, and to other Dialogues, and you will see what I mean, Pedro.
(Did you see my recent posting here about the 1966 Conference on "Presentation of Theosophy", in Salzburg? What are your commentaries on the difference of views between Sri Ram and Radha Burnier, on one hand, and the USA/N.Zealand representatives, on the other hand, as to tampering with originals of books? Did you see that Ms.Radha is even today against such a tampering? What is your position? And Linda Oliveira's? )
HPB did not write on general and intellectual abstractions only.
Look at the "Collected Writings". Look at the Mahatma Letters. There are lots of precious teachings and living examples on the need for a frank truthfulness in the movement.
Having an Ascendant in Cancer, if I remember it well, you are now in a nice and promising phase of your Saturn cycle. Now you can face truth without a feeling of emotional shock and horror. I hope, then, you can understand some of my views.
Yesterday, Tuesday, I took a look at the Theos-talk messages in previous years. I saw a message by Dr. Gregory Tillett in which he demonstrates various facts about C. W. Leadbeater. Tillett informs that those actions, if made today, would send Leadbeater to jail.
I intend to bring this message by Tillett here today for you to comment, Pedro. I consider you a decent man and I make my own appeal to you. Will you accept a dialogue on the historical mistakes which now allow for such a thing to happen, as slandering HPB inside the Adyar TS and in the name of TPH?
As you know, past mistakes can haunt "present times" -- as long as one refuses to learn lessons from them.
You see, after Tillett's message on the possibly criminal actions by Leadbeater, another Theos-talk friend -- Anand, I guess -- , obviously a Leadbeaterian, just answered:
"I am not interested in this subject".
And went silent. It is a sad experience, to see Theosophists turning their faces away from Ethical questions, as if Theosophy were but a collection of WORDS with no connection to ACTIONS.
Or take the example of the emotional complications in the life of Jiddu Krishnamurti, carefully silenced by many Adyar people as long as they can.
So, if you ask Adyar people about CWL mistakes, or crimes perhaps; and about Krishnamurti failings, they will avoid the subject altogether; and sometimes they will talk about "character assassination", etc., although these are undeniable FACTS.
And if you ask them about the "veracity" of the slanders some of them help circulate against HPB, they will avoid the subject, too -- although these are undeniable FALSEHOODS.
It will be a privilege to go on with this dialogue. I know you have both the intellectual courage and the theosophical experience needed for that.
I do hope you see this is not about CWL, or HPB. It is about veracity, sincerity. It is about Theosophy versus Sophistry. CWL, A.B. and HPB are but metaphors or examples for rates of vibration.
WISDOM cannot be separated from ETHICS. This is, at least, my view.
Away from Ethics, one can only get Sophistry, or perhaps Theosophistry.
If you are available for the dialogue, it will be my pleasure.
If you are not, I send you my greetings anyway, and my thanks.
We may have some different views about spirituality, but I see your good intention, which has a value in itself.
Sincere regards from Brasília, Carlos.
Data:Wed, 02 Aug 2006 01:59:06 -0000
Assunto:Theos-World To Carlos Aveline
> Dear Carlos,
> This is a personal appeal to you. You may wish to ignore it,
> ridicule it or use it against me. I have no control of how you are
> going to respond to it, nor wish to have. It is entirely up to you.
> If my memory serves me well, we first met in Porto Alegre, in 1980,
> when you joined Dharma TS Lodge in that city. You contributed many
> talks to the Lodge while at the same time being very active in the
> environmental movement, both in Brazil and in other countries. You
> wrote a number of books, some of which have had excerpts published
> in "Sophia", the national magazine of the TS in Brazil.
> I am also aware of your contacts with Geoffrey Farthing and how much
> you admired him and learned from him. I happened to be present at
> the General Council meeting at Adyar, in December 1995, when the
> (unanimous) decision was made to award the Subba Row Medal to Mr
> Farthing for his distinguished contribution to theosophical
> literature. I had read many of his articles in 'The Theosophist' and
> even reviewed his book 'Deity, Cosmos and Man' in that magazine. One
> of my favourite articles by him - 'HPB on Meditation and Yoga' - was
> published in that same magazine in its December, 1992 issue.
> Interestingly, at that same meeting of the General Council it was
> also decided to also award the Subba Row Medal to Dr Hugh Shearman,
> another well-known author who, like Mr Farthing, has also passed
> away. The nature of their contributions could not be more different,
> and while Mr Farthing was a very energetic exponent of
> the 'original' Theosophy as taught by HPB and the Masters, Dr
> Shearman utilized his theosophical insights to understand the world
> of literature, psychology, sociology and mysticism in his many books
> and numerous articles. I felt the Council's decision was a very
> balanced one.
> Why am I saying all this? Perhaps to suggest to you that in the
> theosophical movement we can have debate and vigorous discussion
> without personal attacks and vilification. I have read quite a
> number of articles by Mr Farthing and did not find even one word of
> attack or harsh criticism against anyone. The same with Dr Shearman.
> And I sure these two men did not see eye to eye in matters relating
> to theosophical teachings.
> I am aware of your accusations against John Algeo and Daniel
> Caldwell. You have repeated them on this list almost every day since
> you joined it earlier this year. Perhaps I can share some
> information here about how Dr Algeo's work is making HPB's teachings
> more widely known in Australia, for example. Last year, the
> Australian Section distributed, among its Lodges, Branches and
> Groups, copies of the DVD 'HPB's Diagram of Meditation' featuring
> John Algeo as a presenter. The Section has an approximate membership
> of 1,250 and we had enthusiastic response from members about the
> DVD. His study course 'Getting Acquainted with The Secret Doctrine'
> is also quite popular here and is regularly used in a number of
> Lodges.
> Daniel Caldwell has, arguably, the most comprehensive Blavatsky-
> related web site that I know of. Perhaps one day he could post on
> theos-talk the usage statistics for Blavatsky Archives.:) We have a
> link to the site on the Australian Section's web site and many
> members find it very informative. You may not know this, but in the
> past I had some discussions with Daniel and others on theos-talk,
> and at times I would feel like a LSD (Leadbeaterian Sitting Duck),
> but I was also seen sometimes as an ASD (Adyar Spin Doctor).:) Those
> were difficult times but we all apparently survived.
> Your knowledge of theosophical history and the Teachings is admired
> by many. However, your attitude to those who disagree with you is
> causing distress, unnecessary hurt feelings and a sense that the
> space on this list has been hijacked by your interests. Therefore I
> would like to respectfully ask you:
> Can we bring to this list, which consists of almost 300 people world
> wide, a sense of healing?
> Can we engage in discussions in a spirit of courtesy, consideration
> and mutual respect, abandoning all personal attacks?
> Can we share our love for Theosophy by treating each other in a
> brotherly manner, particularly when we disagree?
> Can you help to restore harmony in this collective space which we
> call theos-talk?
> If you decide that all the above is just a load of codswallop from
> an inveterate LSD/ASD, I will understand. But, believe me, I had to
> try and reach out to you in order to remind myself that we were
> once 'as the fingers of one hand'.
> With warm and fraternal regards to you and Angela,
> Pedro
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