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Aug 01, 2006 02:12 PM
by Bill Meredith


Here again we have the thought processes of Carlos on display. His focus is on defending HPB and the Movement. He is free to do that, but he should acknowledge that the focus of many other theosophists outside the Movement is on spreading theosophical awareness. His unrelenting campaign to unseat Daniel Caldwell is viewed by many theosophists as counter-productive. In order to save the Movement, Carlos appears willing to sacrifice theosophy.

Carlos does not know the peace of mind of Marie at any time, yet through innuendo he implies that Marie cares more for Daniel than for HPB. This is Movement-logic. Normally, it does not apply to the rest of us regular theosophists who just love our fellow human beings as best we can from day to day and seek to promote theosophical awareness through every conceivable opportunity.


carlosaveline wrote:

Dear Marie,

I will let you happy with your own ideas. And do feel free to harass me as you wish. I will only say it is interesting that as long was HPB was being slandered you peace of mind was not disturbed...

But then, those who defend HPB are, to you, "ridiculous", possibly "rude", etc., and so on ...

Best regards, Carlos. <> <>


Data:Tue, 1 Aug 2006 16:37:09 EDT

Assunto:Re: Theos-World TO MARIE

> In a message dated 8/1/2006 8:58:29 AM Central Daylight Time,
> <> writes:
> Marie,
> Why do not you suggest to Daniel Cadlwell, or to John Algeo,
> that they might start having respect for truth and for the founder of the
> theosophical movement?
> That'is only a humble suggestion from me. Think about that.
> Best regards, Carlos.
> ____________________
> Carlos, thank you for your suggestion. I have been thinking about all that,
> much too often lately, it seems. My suggestions, or yours, would fall on deaf
> ears because what has been done has been done! My concern is that you are
> PICKING on Daniel Caldwell to a degree that it is ridiculous. It is not
> sportsmanlike, nor is it theosophical to keep hammering the same point home to a
> person that had little to do with what John Algeo did, or does.
> Carlos, the only thing that you can control is what YOU do. That means you
> have to act, so that we may then criticize you. Although, most of us wouldn't.
> I am speaking for myself, of course. I want you to do what you can do to
> bring truth and light to the world. H.P.B. is dead and cremated, she does not
> need your defense now. By attacking anyone else, you are not defending poor
> H.P.B., you are raining down disharmony into the world. Please think about that.
> Marie
> p.s. and this will be the last word on this topic Carlos. I do not want to
> be harrassed because I have spoken my true feelings.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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