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Jul 18, 2006 08:29 PM
by Cass Silva

carlosaveline <> wrote:                                  Friends,
 Who said the WWII is no longer important? 

I did, Cass.
 Neo-Nazism, as a wide  phenomenon,  and the Middle East challenges, are among hundreds of evidences that not all of WWII has finished at the Occult, or at the Sociological,  level.
Cass:   Men have not changed.  As far as the Occult goes, even the Masters cannot interfere in the lives of men to change the situation.
 Far from it.  Its outer forms have changed, but the occult War is still on between Diversity and Uniformity, Confidence and Fear/Hatred, Democracy and Authoritarianism. 

Cass: "The Fifth's race intellectual spiritual evolutionary development has been retarded, principally to the heavy karmic burden to the heavy karmic burden or heritage, on physical, mental, moral and spiritual lines, brought over from the Lemurian and Atlantean civilizations.  This is so because the beings forming the present race are the same beings (monads) who constituted those ancient races."

"As a Root Race we are ascending on the spiritual side; but some of our sub-races still find themselves on the shadowy descending arc of their respective national cycles, while others again - the oldest - having crossed their crucial point, which alone decides whether a race, a nation or a tribe will live or perish, are at the apex of spiritual development as sub-races."  S.D. II300.1


 Best regards,  Carlos.
 Data:Mon, 17 Jul 2006 19:59:04 -0700 (PDT)
 > So what Carlos, the whole world is about to explode, people are loosing their lives and you want to dwell on something that is no longer important. Living in the past prevents people from seeing what's in the present.
 > Cass
 > carlosaveline wrote: Dear Friends, 
 > During the 1930s and 1940s, Adolf Hitler controlled and used the Vatican and the German Catholics as he pleased. 
 > British Historian Paul Johnson writes on the Second World War (1): 
 > �During the war, the churches� attitude to Hitler became, if anything, more servile. There was whosale confiscation of church property of all kinds, each ministy taking what it wanted. There was anti-Christian propaganda in the armed forces. But the churches continued to greet Nazi victories by ringing their bells, until they were taken away to be melted down for war effort. Only seven Catholics in the whole of the German Reich refused to perform military service; six were executed, the seventh was declared insane. The sacrifices of the Protestants were more considerable, but still insignificant. (...) Hitler, whom [Pope] Pius XII saw as the indispensible bastion against [Communist] Russia, himself equated true Christianity with communism.�
 > And more:
 > �In the end [Hitler] intended to exterminate the Christians. But first he wanted to deal with the Jews. Here he rightly believed he could get German Christian support, or at least acquiescence. �As for Jews�, he told Bishop Berning of Osnabruch in April 1933, �I am just carrying on with the same policy which the Catholic church had adopted for 1500 years�.� 
 > Nazism and Neo-Nazism have nothing to do, therefore, with Theosophy, or the divine wisdom which teaches non-violence, universal brotherhood and respect for all life. 
 > Of course non-violence is not a mechanistical principle. We also know that H. P. Blavatsky tried to fight in the battle of Mentana (1867) on the side of Garibaldi and against the Vatican forces. That was a strong and disastrous evidence of her personal impulsiveness. It was far from being the happiest episode in her life, as she was hurt, considered dead. She was probably brought back to life by occult means, and 
 > Had to suffer physical pains all her life as a consequence of that youth incident, when she was only 36. She created the theosophical movement eight years later. 
 > The stern rules for disciples include harmlessness. Although individual independence is granted to everyone, the consequences of harmful actions belong to each one and won�t fail to reach him or her. The karma of that particular episode in HPB�s life was deadly quick for her. 
 > Yet, wrong as that violent attitude was, one has to admit that bravely fighting a popular war against powerful and militarized tyrants is one thing. On the other hand, conquering and ruling nations through the use of Fear and Terror, or promoting state-organized mass-killings of innocent and defenseless people, including millions of women and children -- it is... well, it is NAZISM. 
 > We should not forget that. 
 > Best regards, Carlos Cardoso Aveline
 > NOTE: 
 > (1) �A History of Christianity�, Paul Johnson, Penguin Books, copyright 1976, 556 pp.; see p. 490. 
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