RE: [theosophia] Fw: The power of lower manas
Jul 18, 2006 05:03 PM
by W.Dallas TenBroeck
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Dear L:
Have a look at some of these quotes -- they may offer help
"...The Host of Dhyanis, whose turn it was to incarnate as the Egos of the
immortal, but, on this plane, senseless monads—
that some "obeyed" (the law of evolution) immediately when the men of the
3rd Race became physiologically and physically ready, i.e., when they had
separated into sexes.
These were those early conscious Beings who, now adding conscious knowledge
and will to their inherent Divine purity, created by Kriyasakti the
semi-Divine man, who became the seed on earth for future adepts.
Those, on the other hand, who, jealous of their intellectual freedom
(unfettered as it then was by the bonds of matter), said:--"We can
choose...we have wisdom,"...and incarnated far later--these had their first
Karmic punishment prepared for them. They got bodies (physiologically)
inferior to their astral models, because their chhayas had belonged to
progenitors of an inferior degree in the 7 classes. As to those "Sons of
Wisdom" who had "deferred" their incarnation till the 4th Race, which was
already tainted (physiologically) with sin and impurity, they produced a
terrible cause, the Karmic result of which weighs on them to this day...the
bodies they had to inform had become defiled through their own
procrastination...This was the "Fall of the angels," because of their
rebellion against Karmic Law. The "fall of man" was no fall, for he was
SD II 228
"...the "Ah-hi" pass through all the planes, beginning to manifest on the
third. Like all other Hierarchies, on the highest plane they are arupa,
i.e., formless, bodiless, without any substance, mere breaths. On the
second plane, they first approach to Rupa, or form. On the third, they
become Manasa-putras, those who become incarnated in man. With every plane
they reach they are called by different names--there is a continual
differentiation of their original homogeneous substance; we call it
substance, although in reality it is no substance of which we can conceive.
Later they become Rupa--ethereal forms."
"The adepts can control the sensations and alter the conditions of the
physical and astral bodies of other persona not adepts; he can also govern
and employ, as he chooses, the spirits of the elements. He cannot control
the immortal spirit of any human being, living or dead, for all such spirits
are alike sparks of the Divine Essence, and not subject to any foreign
domination." ISIS II 590
" the work of each Round is said to be apportioned to a different group
of so-called "Creators" or "Architects," so is that of every globe; i.e.,
it is under the supervision and guidance of special "Builders" and
"Watchers"--the various Dhyan-Chohans...It becomes the task of the 5th
Hierarchy--the mysterious beings that preside over the constellation
Capricornus, Makara, or "Crocodile" in India as in Egypt--to inform the
empty and ethereal animal form and make of it a Rational Man...Many are
those among the Spiritual Entities, who have incarnated bodily in man, since
the beginning of his appearance, and who, for all that, still exist as
independently as they did before, in the infinitudes of Space....the
invisible Entity may be bodily present on earth without abandoning, however,
its status and functions in the supersensuous regions..."
SD I 233
"Every Spiritual Individuality has a gigantic evolutionary journey to
perform, a tremendous gyratory progress to accomplish. First--at the very
beginning of the great Mahamanvanataric rotation, from first to last of the
man-bearing "planets," as on each of them, the monad has to pass through the
seven successive races of man...up to the present fifth race, or rather
variety, and through two more races, before he has done with this one. Each
of the 7 races send 7 ramifying branchlets from the Parent Branch: and
through each of these in turn man has to evolute before he passes on to the
next higher race; and that--seven times...The branchlets typify varying
specimens of humanity -- physically and spiritually--and no one of us can
miss one single rung of the ladder...when I say "man," I mean a human being
of our type. There are other and innumerable manvantaric chains of globes
bearing intelligent beings--both in and out of our solar system--the crowns
or apexes of evolutionary being in their respective chains, some--physically
and intellectually--lower, others immeasurably higher than the man of our
MAHAT. LET. (Barker), p. 119
"The philosophy of that law in Nature, which implants in man as well as in
every beast a passionate, inherent, and instinctive desire for freedom and
self-guidance, pertains to psychology...
Perhaps the best synthesis of this feeling is found in three lines of
Milton's Paradise Lost. Says the "Fallen One":--
"Here we may reign secure; and in my choice,
To reign is worth ambition, though in hell !
Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven ..."
Better be man, the crown of terrestrial production and king over its opus
operatum, than be lost among the will-less spiritual Hosts in Heaven...the
dogma of the first Fall rested on a few verses in Revelation...about the
seven-headed dragon with his 10 horns and 7 crowns, whose tail (485) "drew
the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth," and
whose place, with that of his angels, "was found no more in heaven." ...
The "Dragon" is simply the symbol of the cycle and of the "Sons of
Manvantaric Eternity," who had descended on earth during a certain epoch of
its formative period...The "third part of the stars of heaven" cast down to
earth--refers to the divine Monads, (the Spirits of the Stars in Astrology)
that circumambulate our globe; i.e., the human Egos destined to perform the
whole cycle of incarnations...In all ancient cosmogonies light comes from
darkness. (486) In Egypt...Pymander, the "Thought divine," issues as light
from Darkness." SD II 484-6
AVATARA (Sk.) Divine incarnation. The descent of a god or some
exalted Being, who has progressed beyond the necessity of Rebirths, into the
body of a simple mortal. Krishna was an avatar of Vishnu...There are two
kinds of avatars: those born from woman, and the parentless, the
anupadaka." T GLOS 44
ANUPADAKA (Sk.) "parentless," "self-existing"...A term applied to
certain self-created gods, and the Dhyani Buddhas." GLOS 25
BUDDHA (Sk.) "The Enlightened." The highest degree of knowledge. To
become a Buddha one has to break through the bondage of sense and
personality; to acquire a complete perception of the REAL SELF and learn
not to separate it from all other selves; to learn (65) by experience the
utter unreality of all phenomena of the visible Kosmos foremost of all; to
reach a complete detachment from all that is evanescent and finite, and live
while yet on Earth in the immortal and the everlasting alone, in a supreme
state of holiness." GLOS 64-5
BUDDHA SIDDARTHA (Sk.) The name given to Gautama, the Prince of
Kapilavastu, at his birth...he would not have been a mortal man, had he not
passed through hundreds and thousands of births previous to his
last...through every stage of transmigration from the lowest animate and
inanimate atom and insect, up to the highest--man, ...the hidden symbolism
in the sequence of these re-births (jataka) contains simply [that] every
human being who has ever existed has passed through the same
soon as Gautama had reached the human form he began exhibiting in every
personality the utmost unselfishness, self-sacrifice and charity...the 4th
of the Sapta (7) Buddhas and Sapta Tathagatas
...Esoteric teachings claim that he renounced Nirvana and gave up the
Dharmakaya vesture to remain a "Buddha of compassion" within the reach of
the miseries of this world. And the religious philosophy he left to it has
produced for over 2,000 years generations of good and unselfish men. His is
the only absolutely bloodless religion among all existing religions...[if
the] simple, humane and philosophical code of daily life left to us by the
greatest Man-Reformer ever known, should ever come to be adopted by mankind
at large, then indeed an era of bliss and peace would dawn on Humanity."
GLOS 65-67
"...HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS" is but a Ray of the Divine. Our Manas, or Ego,
proceeds from, and is the Son (figuratively) of Mahat. Vaivaswata Manu (the
Manu of our fifth race and Humanity in general) is the chief personified
representative of the thinking Humanity of the fifth Root-race; and
therefore he is represented as the eldest Son of the Sun and an Agnishwatta
Ancestor...Thought in its action on human brains is endless. Thus Manu is,
and contains the potentiality of all the thinking forms which will be
developed on earth from this particular source. In the esoteric teaching he
is the beginning of this earth , and from him and his daughter Ila humanity
is born; he is a unity which contains all the pluralities and their
modifications. Every manvantara has its own Manu, and from this Manu the
various Manus or rather all the Manasa of the Kalpas will proceed...he may
be compared to the white light which contains all the other rays, giving
birth to them by passing through the prism of differentiation and
evolution." TRAN. 99
"The real Mahatma is then not his physical body but that higher Manas which
is inseparably linked to the Atma and its vehicle (6th principle) -- a union
effected by him in a comparatively very short period by passing through the
self-evolution laid down by the Occult Philosophy." HPB ART I
"There are scattered throughout the world, a handful of thoughtful and
solitary students, who pass their lives in obscurity, far from the rumors of
the world, studying the great problems of the physical and spiritual
universes. They have their secret records in which are preserved the fruits
of the scholastic labors of the long line of recluses whose successors they
are. The knowledge of their early ancestors, the sages of India, Babylon,
Nineveh, and the imperial Thebes; the legends and traditions commented upon
by the masters of Solon, Pythagoras, and Plato, in the (558) marble halls of
Heliopolis and Sais; traditions which in their days, already seemed to
hardly glimmer from behind the foggy curtain of the past;--all this, and
much more, is recorded on indestructible parchment, and passed with jealous
care from one adept to another. These men believe the story of Atlantis to
be no fable...In those submerged temples and libraries the archaeologist
would find, could he but explore them, the materials for filling the gaps
that now exist in what we imagine is history." ISIS I 557-558;
"Alone a handful of primitive men -- in whom the spark of divine Wisdom
burnt bright, and only strengthened in its intensity as it got dimmer and
dimmer with every age in those who turned it to bad purposes--remained the
elect custodians of the Mysteries revealed to mankind by the divine
Teachers. There were those among them, who remained in their Kumaric
condition from the beginning; and tradition whispers, what the secret
teachings affirm, namely, that these Elect were the germs of a Hierarchy
which never died since that period:--
"The inner man of the first * * * only changes his body from time to time;
he is ever the same, knowing neither rest nor Nirvana, spurning Devachan and
remaining constantly on Earth for the salvation of mankind ..." "Out of the
seven virgin-men (Kumara) four sacrificed themselves for the sins of the
world and the instruction of (282) the ignorant, to remain till the end of
the present Manvantara. Though unseen, they are ever present. When people
say of one of them, "He is dead;" behold, he is alive and under another
form. These are the Head, the Heart, the Soul, and the Seed of undying
knowledge (Gnyana). Thou shalt never speak, O Lanoo, of these great ones
(Maha...) before a multitude, mentioning them by their names. The wise
alone will understand."
(Catechism of the Inner Schools.) SD II 281-2
"...the early sub-races had evolved an intermediate race in which...the
higher Dhyan Chohans had incarnated. ( fn.) This is the "undying race" as
it is called in Esotericism, and exoterically the fruitless generation of
the first progeny of Daksha, who curses Narada, the divine Rishi ... by
saying "Be born in the womb; there shall not be a resting place for thee in
all these regions;" after this Narada, the representative of that race of
fruitless ascetics, is said, as soon as he dies in one body, to be reborn in
another." SD II 275 - fn
"Happily for the human race the "Elect Race" had already become the vehicle
of incarnation for the (intellectually and spiritually) highest Dhyanis
before Humanity had become quite material. When the last sub-races...of the
3rd Race had perished with the great Lemurian Continent, "the seeds of the
Trinity of Wisdom" had already acquired the secret of immortality on Earth,
that gift which allows the same great personality to step ad libitum from
one worn-out body into another." SD II 276
"...there exists a power which can create human forms--ready-made sheaths
for the "conscious monads" or Nirmanakayas of past Manvantaras to incarnate
within ... (653) a living Entity consolidating the astral body with
surrounding materials..." SD II 652-3
"...the doctrine, well-known in India, of the reappearance of Avatars...all
admit that the true doctrine is stated by Krishna [see above]. These
appearances among men for the purpose of restoring the equilibrium are not
the same as the rule of Vivaswata and Manu first spoken of, but are the
coming to earth of Avatars or Saviors. That there is a periodicity to them
is stated in the words "from age to age." He is here speaking of the great
cycles about which hitherto the Masters have been silent except to say that
there are such great cycles. It is very generally admitted now that the
cyclic law is of the highest importance in (107) the consideration of
evolution and Man's destiny.
But the coming of an Avatar must be strictly in accordance with natural
law,--and that law demands that at the time of such an event there also
appears a being who represents the other pole--, for, as Krishna says, the
great law of the two opposites is eternally present it the world. So we
find in the history of India that, when Krishna appeared so long ago, there
was also a great tyrant, a black magician named Kansa, whose wickedness has
reached a maximum development.
The real meaning of this is that the bad Karma of the world goes on
increasing with the lapse of ages, producing at last a creature who is, so
to say, the very flower of all the wickedness of the past, counting from the
last preceding Avatar. He is not only wicked, but also wise, with magic
powers of awful scope, for magic is not alone the heritage of the good.
The number of magicians developed among the nations at such a time is very
great, but one towers above them all, making the rest pay tribute...[this
is] a sober truth, and the present prevalence of self-seeking (108) and
money-getting is exactly the sort of training of certain qualities that
black magicians will exemplify in ages to come.
The Krishna--or howsoever named--appears "in visible shape, a man with men."
His power is as great as the evil one, but he has on his side what the
others have not--spirit, preservative, conservative forces. With these he
is able to engage in conflict with the black magicians, and in it he is
assisted by all of us who are really devoted to Brotherhood. The result is
a victory for the good and destruction for the wicked. The latter lose all
chance of salvation in that Manwantara, and are precipitated to the lower
planes, on which they emerge at the beginning of the next new creation...He
also declares that the right and full comprehension of the mystery of his
births and work on earth confers upon us Nirvana, so that rebirth occurs no
more. This is because it is not possible for a man to understand the (109)
mystery unless he has completely liberated himself from the chains of
passion and acquired entire concentration. He has learned to look beneath
the shell of appearances that deceives the unthinking mind." WQJ -- GITA
NOTES, pp. 106-109
"There are 4 grades of initiation mentioned in exoteric Sanskrit
as "Scrotapanna," "Sagardagan," "Anagamin," and "Arhan"--the 4 paths to
Nirvana, in this, our 4th Round, bearing the same appellations...Three
further grades have to be conquered by the Arhan who would reach the apex of
the ladder of Arhatship. There are those who have reached it even in this
5th race of ours, but the faculties necessary for the attainment of these
higher (207) grades will be fully developed in the average ascetic only at
the end of this Root-Race, and in the 6th and 7th.
Thus there will always be Initiates and the Profane till the end of this
minor Manvantara, the present life-cycle. The Arhats of the "fire-mist" of
the 7th rung are but one remove from the Root-Base of their Hierarchy--the
highest on Earth, and our Terrestrial chain...a name..."the ever-living
human-Banyan." This "Wondrous Being" descended from a "high region," they
say, in the early part of the 3rd Age, before the separation of the sexes of
the 3rd Race."
SD I 206-7
"This 3rd Race is sometimes called collectively "the Sons of Passive Yoga,"
i.e., it was produced unconsciously by the 2nd Race...In the first or
earlier portion of the existence of this 3rd race, while it was yet in its
state of purity, the "Sons of Wisdom," who, as will be seen, incarnated in
this 3rd Race, produced by Kriyasakti a progeny called the "Sons of Ad" or
"of the Fire-Mist," the "sons of Will and Yoga," etc. They were a conscious
production, as a portion of the race was already animated with the divine
spark of spiritual, superior intelligence. It was not a Race, this progeny.
It was at first a wondrous Being, called the "Initiator," and after him a
group of semi-divine and semi-human beings. "Set apart" in Archaic genesis
for certain purposes, they are those in whom are said to have incarnated the
highest Dhyanis, "Munis and Rishis from previous Manvantaras"--to form the
nursery for future human adepts, on this earth and during the present cycle.
These "Sons of Will and Yoga" born, so to speak, in an immaculate way,
remained, it is explained, entirely apart from the rest of mankind."
SD I 206-7
"The "Being" just referred to, which has to remain nameless, is the Tree
from which, in subsequent ages, all the great historically known Sages and
Hierophants, such as the Rishi Kapila, Hermes, Enoch, Orpheus, etc., etc.,
have branched off. As objective man, he is the mysterious (to the
profane--the ever invisible) yet ever present Personage about whom legends
are rife in the East, especially among the Occultists and the students of
the Sacred Science. It is he who changes form, yet remains ever the same.
And it is he again who holds spiritual sway over the (208) initiated Adepts
throughout the whole world. He is, as said, the "Nameless One" who has so
many names, and yet whose names and whose very nature are unknown. He is
the "Initiator," called the "Great Sacrifice." For sitting at the threshold
of LIGHT, he looks into it from within the circle of Darkness, which he will
not cross; nor will he quit his post till the last day of this life-cycle.
Why...Because the lonely, sore-footed pilgrims on their way back to their
home are never sure to the last moment of not losing their way in this
limitless desert of illusion and matter called Earth-Life. Because he would
fain show the way to that region of freedom and light, from which he is a
voluntary exile himself, to every prisoner who has succeeded in liberating
himself from the bonds of flesh and illusion. Because, in short, he has
sacrificed himself for the sake of mankind, though but a few Elect may
profit by the Great Sacrifice.
"It is under the direct, silent guidance of this MAHA --(great) -- GURU that
all the other less divine Teachers and instructors of mankind became, from
the first awakening of human consciousness, the guides of early Humanity.
It is through these "Sons of God" that infant humanity got its first notions
of all the arts and sciences, as well as of spiritual knowledge; and it is
they who have laid the first foundation-stone of those ancient civilizations
that puzzle so sorely our modern generation of students and scholars." SD
II 207-8
"...divine man dwelt in his animal--though externally human --form; and, if
there was instinct in him, no self-consciousness came to enlighten the
darkness of the latent 5th principle [Manas]. When moved by the law of
Evolution, the Lords of Wisdom infused into him the spark of consciousness,
the first feeling it awoke to life and activity was a sense of solidarity,
of one-ness with his spiritual creators. As the child's first feeling is
for its mother and nurse, so the first aspirations of the awakening
consciousness in primitive man were for those whose element he felt within
himself, and who yet were outside, and independent of him.
Devotion arose out of that feeling, and became the first and foremost motor
in his nature; for it is the only one which is natural in our heart, which
is innate in us, and which we find alike in human babe and the young of the
animal. This feeling of irrepressible, instinctive aspiration in primitive
man ...(211)
It lives undeniably, and has settled in all its ineradicable strength and
power in the Asiatic Aryan heart from the 3rd Race direct through it first
"mind-born" sons,--the fruits of Kriyasakti. As time rolled on the holy
caste of Initiates produced but rarely, and from age to age, such perfect
creatures: beings apart, inwardly, though the same as those who produced
them, outwardly...the 3rd primitive race...was called into being, a ready
and perfect vehicle for the incarnating denizens of higher spheres, who took
forthwith their abodes in these forms born of Spiritual WILL and the natural
divine power in man.
Its physical frame alone was of time and of life, as it drew its
intelligence direct from above. It was the living tree of divine wisdom;
and may therefore be likened to the Mundane Tree of the Norse Legend, which
cannot wither and die until the last battle of life shall be fought, and
while its roots are gnawed all the time by the dragon Niddhogg; for even
so, the first and holy son of Kriyasakti had his body gnawed by the tooth of
time, but the roots of his inner being remained for ever undecaying and
strong, because they grew and expanded in heaven not on earth. He was the
first of the FIRST, and he was the seed of all the others. There were other
"Sons of Kriyasakti" produced by a second spiritual effort, but the first
one has remained to this day the Seed of divine Knowledge, the One and the
Supreme among the terrestrial "Sons of Wisdom." SD I 210-211
"...those EGOS of great Adepts who have passed away, and are also known as
Nirmanakayas;...for whom--since they are beyond illusion--there is no
Devachan, and who, having either voluntarily renounced it for the good of
mankind, or not yet reached Nirvana, remain invisible on earth...they are
re-born over and over again...Who they are, "on earth"--every student of
Occult science knows..." SD II 615
Best wishes,
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of John Gray
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 10:25 AM
Subject: [theosophia] Fw: The power of lower manas
As students where do we start with such difficulties as these? Does it
begin with purifying our actions and responses in our daily life? Does it
require us to put our heart into all we do and from that we can begin to
concentrate? It seems we must rid ourselves of our many desires and to be
devoted in Brotherhood to Krishna or to All that Lives. Then when the
thoughts arise we give them a name and root them out with the devotion to
the Self of All. This though when looked at seems very simplistic. We must
also be aware of the psychology of the lower manas and its many ways to
hide. Once we know that we are not the human nature it is our duty to know
it. Maybe if we put this out into the study group we will get further
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