Theos-World Re: JESUS & HPB
Jun 23, 2006 07:58 AM
by plcoles1
Thanks John for this info I'll look into it !
--- In, samblo@... wrote:
> Perry,
> Thanks for your comments and report on G. R. S. Mead's work might I also
> suggest reading his:
> The Gnostic Baptizer
> Fragments of a Faith Forgotten
> The World Mystery
> Orpheus - Fisher of Souls
> and the "Echoes of the Gnosis Series"
> G. R. S. Mead is recognized as a legitimate scholar and resource due to his
> scope, survey and breadth of his works which are very replete with definitions,
> explanations and notes not usually found in many works on this topic.
> I might also encourage those interested to also inquire into the still
> existing ancients works of the Mandaeans of Irak who were the original
> pre-Christian Gnostic baptizers and who preserved a record of their own unique
> perspective of the individual who we call Jesus today and who met John the Elder of the
> Mandaeans at the Jordan, this is a record that could be cardinal in the
> absence of Roman, and vassal titular rulers of ancient Judea.
> Best regards,
> John
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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