HPB and Holloway
Jun 04, 2006 11:42 AM
by carlosaveline
Dear Friends,
In Journalism, like in History and in Science as a whole, information out of context misinforms rather than informs.
The context of events in the 1880s was most dynamic and full of ups and downs.
Everyone was under an intense probation, and many people were actually living PLEDGE FEVERS.
Daniel Caldwell bring interesting facts to us, but -- they can only make sense if we look at the context, and not with the goal of planting doubts and skepticism.
I admit that studying those intense years produces insights and lessons for our 21st century.
Many people in whom HPB had confidence failed her. Others recovered their balance once the pledge fever passed and discipleship was abandoned.
Regards, Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Data:Sun, 04 Jun 2006 18:24:28 -0000
Assunto:Theos-World ?Look at Mrs. Holloway. Do you still admire her?...?
> In 1885 HPB wrote to Judge:
> "He [Hartmann] believes like Olcott used to and you sometimes also
> that I am usually a `shell' which becomes good for something only
> when some one else enters it. Believe what you please. But know that
> I am ever faithful to my friends & remain grateful for the little
> they may do for me even when they become enemies. Oh gods what a
> dirty world what false people!"
> "Look at Mrs. Holloway. Do you still admire her?..."
> Quoted from: http://www.blavatskyarchives.com/hpbwqj01.htm
> Judge replied:
> "What I wrote about to Hartmann is [concerning] a ridiculous message
> about Holloway which if it emanated from a Mahatma showed lack of
> knowledge to say the least. But let us drop that?."
> "As for L.C. Holloway enough said. I have not seen her since I came
> back except to deliver a pair of [drawers?] Miss Arundale bought her
> in London. She does not like me?."
> Then in 1886, H.P.B. wrote her estimation of Mrs. Holloway to Mr.
> Sinnett:
> "...The first bomb-shell from the Dugpa world came from America; you
> welcomed and warmed it in your own breast. . . . The Dugpa element
> triumphed fully at one time -- why? because you believed in one
> [Laura Holloway] who was sent by the opposing powers for the
> destruction of the [Theosophical] Society and permitted to act as
> she and others did by the 'higher powers,' as you call them, whose
> duty it was not to interfere in the great probation save at the last
> moment. To this day you are unable to say what was true, what
> false...." The Mahatma Letters, No. 141.
> Daniel
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