Jun 01, 2006 07:25 AM
by carlosaveline
Dear Friends,
A rare book by now is THE LAST CHANGE OF THE EARTH'S AXIS, by Fred G. Plummer, Isis Book Reprint, Ohio, 1994, 153 pp.
Published in 1894 by the Narada Branch of the Theosophical Society, in Tacoma, it compiles most important information on the periodic changes in the Earth's Axis, from the viewpoints of science, myth, religion. It very much relies on "The Secret Doctrine", but it consistently enlarges the theme.
I bought it years ago and its reading is most timely by now. I recently asked Richard Robb if it was available. He said it is not.
Someone should think of making this book available once more to students, if no one can sell it now.
Regards, Carlos Cardoso Aveline.
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