Re:Stop it!
May 22, 2006 10:28 AM
by carlosaveline
Dear Friends,
In attention to Eldon Tucker, who deserves our respect, I am not answering to any of the emails he mentions.
Regards, Carlos.
Data:Mon, 22 May 2006 14:49:16 -0000
Assunto:Theos-World Stop it!
> Since my message Saturday, there have been more problems with the
> list. For anyone that wishes to continue participating on the list,
> this has to stop.
> What I've noticed (not necessarily a complete list of incidents) is:
> Vince called Daniel evil. Vince called Carlos dumb. Frank mentions
> Carlos "works with suggestions, make believe and slander, ignores and
> twists facts." Frank later mentions to Carlos, "any sane theosophist
> cannot fail to come to the conclusion that you are NOT a fool."
> Another note says, "the Dugpas are behind you. They eat your soul."
> Vince then returns to say "Daniel is evil."
> Although some running battles have traumatized the list a few months
> ago causing some people to leave the list, they are in the past. If
> anything gets out of hand, the thread of discussion will be closed
> before such could happen again.
> The request that people stop the name-calling applies to everyone. It
> does not mean that some people behave themselves while others lash out
> seeking to satisfy any pent up anger, hostility, or ill will that they
> still carry. There are not any exceptions based upon the number of
> good or bad messages that anyone has written over the past few months.
> This is my last warning.
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