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Various online texts mentioned in the Secret Doctrine

May 12, 2006 03:32 PM
by M. Sufilight

Hallo all,

My views are:

Here are some of the publications, which Blavatsky referrd to i The Secret Doctrine.

translated by KÂSHINÂTH TRIMBAK TELANG, Volume 8, The Sacred Books of the East

2. The Book of Enoch the Prophet
translated from Ethiopic by Richard Laurence,
London, 1883.

3. Chaldean Account of Genesis - (Online version missing?)

George Smith;idno=ABA4690.0001.001 (Assyrian discoveries; an account of explorations and discoveries on the site of Nineveh, during 1873 and 1874. By George Smith ) (About George Smith)

4. The Desatir - (Online version missing?)
"Desatir (Persian) An old Persian work, filled with elements of enormous antiquity, expressed in places eloquently and poetically. In the words of its translator and publisher, Mulla Firuz, it "professes to be a collection of the writings of the different Persian Prophets, who flourished from the time of Mahabad to the time of the fifth Sasan, being fifteen in number; of whom Zerdusht, or Zoroaster was the thirteenth and the fifth Sasan the last. . . . The writings of these fifteen prophets are in a tongue of which no other vestige appears to remain, and which would have been unintelligible without the assistance of the ancient Persian translation" (Preface, p. i).

The contents have been criticized by several modern scholars, who do not grant it any standing as a work coming down from ancient times for linguistic reasons. However, it contains teachings which are not merely universal, but which run far back into the night of human history; for example, the first chapter suggests the seven sacred planets (vv. 15-21); each star and planet having an intelligence, a soul, and a body (23); the kingdoms of nature on the cosmic ladder of life (54-60); reincarnation (69-72); rounds (101-112); and the grand periods or manvantaras and pralayas (114-16)."

5. The Divine Pymander of Hermes Trismegistus - Translation by John Everard, 1650

6. Iamblichus: On the Mysteries, translated by Thomas Taylor

7. The Lost Fragments of Proclus, translation by Thomas Taylor - (Online version missing?)

8. Mythical Monsters, by Charles Gould

9. Qabbalah: The Philosophical Writings of Solomon Ben Yehuda Ibn Gebirol, by Isaac Myer - (Online version missing?)
Includes review by Blavatsky, history of the Kabbalah, and comparisons with other metaphysical systems. 530 pages.

10. Sacred Mysteries among the Mayas and Quiches, by Augustus Le Plongeon - (Online version missing?)
Contains insights of his 12 years of archaeological study in Yucatan. 200 pages.

Some info about Augustus Le Plongeon's excavations...

11. Theon of Smyrna: Mathematics Useful for Understanding Plato (Only quotes from the book in the below link)

12. The Virgin of the World, translated with essays and notes by Anna Kingsford and Edward Maitland

M. Sufilight with peace and love...

<<<<<<< A Sufilight saying >>>>>>>
We, the theosophists don't plan to form an organization with somebody at the top and others at the 
bottom collecting money or wearing funny clothes or converting people 
to theosophy. We view theosophy not as an ideology that molds people to the 
right way of belief or action, but as an art or science that can 
exert a beneficial influence on individuals or societies, in 
accordance with the needs of those individuals and societies.
Instead of saying that Theosophy is a body of thought in which you believe certain things and don't 
believe other things, we say that the theosophical experience has to be provoked in a 
person. Once provoked, it becomes his own property, rather as a person 
masters an art. 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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