To Ken, on Nazism, Theosophy and Jews
May 09, 2006 07:34 AM
by carlosaveline
Thanks for your commentaries.
I also believe that it is essential to understand the relation between Theosophy and Nazi-Fascism, in these confusing times we live.
Hitler "stole" an ancient symbol from the TS's symbol, the svastika -- but we must remember that the two triangles star in the centre of the same symbol is also at the centre of Israel's national Flag... and the symbol of the religion which is the origin of both Christianism and Islamism -- Judaism. Also an Eastern sacred symbol.
Best regards, Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Data:Mon, 08 May 2006 17:32:23 -0000
Assunto:[Spam] TheosophyandFascism
> Carlos -
> thank you for this important information. This adds to some other
> pieces that I have been putting together recently and much of this I
> have not seen before. I feel it is extremely important to have clear
> historical record regarding Theosophy and the events of WWII. You may
> have noticed the letter by Purucker with some notes I added that Eldon
> posted for his May issue.
> best wishes,
> Ken
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