On Answering to Daniel
May 09, 2006 07:15 AM
by carlosaveline
Thanks for your questions.
Yet I have to confess that all of them have been answered already since February, here at Theos-talk.
Regards, Carlos.
Data:Mon, 08 May 2006 19:20:38 -0000
Assunto:Theos-World Trying to Understand Carlos' Use of the word "slanderer"
> Trying to Understand Carlos' Use of the word "slanderer"
> Carlos,
> You comment:
> =========================================================
> So if Daniel, Katinka, Algeo, P. Johnson and others want to look
> like scholars, they must first of all examine their sources, then
> admit that V. Soloviof, Eleanor Sidgwick and Alexis/Emma Coulombs
> are all liars, and finally start to stick to facts. Three good
> examples these people could follow are Leslie Price, Michael Gomes
> and Ernest Pelletier -- who have different positions/opinions, but
> all respect facts and examine their own sources.
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/theos-talk/message/32948
> =========================================================
> Carlos, you also say quite emphatically:
> ======================================================
> Why should anyone except a slanderer consider Soloviof a legitimate
> source of historical information? But -- why using Soloviof as a
> source if you are not a slanderer?
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/theos-talk/message/32946
> ==========================================================
> Carlos, let me try now to understand your position here.
> Are you actually saying that if a writer uses any material from
> Soloviof's book as "a legitimate source of historical information",
> then you would consider him or her as a "slanderer"?
> Let me try to give a specific example or two, so that there is no
> room for misunderstanding your position as given in the above two
> quotations of yours.
> Since you mention me in the first quote above, let us suppose, I
> have written an article or maybe even a chapter for a possible book
> on HPB and Theosophy and in the course of my narrative, I write:
> ===================================================
> In the latter part of 1877, H.P.B. told others that she was planning
> to go to the East. She wrote to a Russian correspondent Mr. Aksakov:
> "We have now a multitude of corresponding fellows in India, and are
> proposing next year to set off for Ceylon and to settle there, as
> headquarters of our society." (A Modern Priestess of Isis, p. 277.)
> ==================================================
> Now here I believe I would be --- by your own definition ---
> using Soloviof's book as "a legitimate source of historical
> information."
> Right?
> Would you therefore say that I am a "slanderer"?
> And furthermore if I don't mention to the reader that this is a
> possibly forged letter or in fact a forged letter, that is, not an
> authentic letter of H.P.B., would I then be compounding the "crime"
> even more???
> Again, would you say that I am a "slanderer"?
> Or let us suppose that in my essay or book I wrote:
> ===================================================
> H.P.B. writes about her first book ISIS UNVEILED as follows:
> "Well, my book has appeared at last. My darling was born last
> Saturday, September 29th, but a week ealier my publisher had sent
> pre-publication copies to the editors of all the papers. I am
> enclosing herewith the review in the New York Herald...." (letter
> by H.P.B. to N.A. Aksakov from V.S. Solovyov's A Modern Priestess of
> Isis (London, 1895).
> ==================================================
> Am I a "slanderer", Carlos, by YOUR OWN definition by using
> Soloviof's book in this example as "a legitimate source of
> historical information."?
> I am trying to understand your reasoning here and I hope these two
> examples may help to clarify the points that you are trying to
> convey to readers on Theos-Talk.
> Daniel
> http://hpb.cc
> Yahoo! Groups Links
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