Chuck's Scholarly Ideas
May 08, 2006 05:43 AM
by carlosaveline
To get into British records on their suspicions against HPB would be most interesting.
Data:Sun, 7 May 2006 15:38:56 EDT
Assunto:Re: Theos-World Chuck's Scholarly Ideas
> In a message dated 5/7/2006 11:42:24 AM Central Standard Time,
> writes:
> Although by then the USA was no superpower, but only an ex-colony, smart
> scholars might take up that hint of yours and make a high level book, or a
> profound website out of it.
> Following the Civil War, the Europeans, particularly the French and the
> British, took a good look at what was left of the cities in the sunny south and
> decided that the US was more than just an ex-colony. (Think of Napoleon III
> looking at picture of the ruins of Richmond and thinking in Edward R. Murrow's
> voice, "This is Paris...")
> Now, think of this. In the late 19th century, there was a very strong
> relationship between the US and Russia, for reasons which are very confusing and
> drive diplomatic historians nuts. So it would not have been out of the
> question for the British to think that HPB was a spy of some kind and her diplomatic
> passport meant that they could not just grab her. Now, add Colonel Olcott's
> political connections and they drove the British Home Office crazy. I know
> of at least one doctoral dissertation on it many years ago and it probably
> would make a fascinating book if one had the time to dig in the Home Office
> archives.
> Chuck the Heretic
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