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Closed Circuit of Repetitions?

Apr 28, 2006 06:13 PM
by carlosaveline

Dear Daniel,

Sorry.  It seems to me that the text below does not make much sense. 

I do not know what exactly are you talking about. 

Besides, do you really have to keep stuck to the same sentences and repeating over and over again the same ideas in  closed circuit, as you have done for years with the 19th century slanders against HPB?

Best regards,  Carlos.


Data:Fri, 28 Apr 2006 19:15:37 -0000

Assunto:Theos-World What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander??

> What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander??
> When I publicly posted some extracts from one of HPB's Esoteric 
> Instructions, you wrote me that you strongly protested my posting of 
> these HPB quotations from an "esoteric" or "private" document.
> You also suggested that such "posting" did an "injustice" to the 
> Mahatmas.
> Therefore I assume that if other writers besides me did something 
> similar that you would ALSO object if not "protest" to a quoting of 
> this esoteric material, right?
> If your answer is yes, then I call your attention to the following:
> Read more at:
> Daniel
> Yahoo! Groups Links
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