Apr 28, 2006 06:14 PM
by carlosaveline
Sufilight, Friends,
I want to share something from the Arab tradition, on friendship and sincerity:
"Among the friends, I accept with tolerance the one who has a failing, a limitation. I do not forgive the liar, though. To me, lying, being false, is a failing which turns useless all his other positive qualities; which reduces all his virtues, and destroys everything which is valuable in his being".
Ibn Hasm al-Andaluzi (1)
These words may seem to exaggerate things, but they don't. The great danger to liars is that by being untruthful they cause deep damage to their own Antahkarana, the connection with the higher self.
Hence HPB and the Masters say being truthful is of utmost importance.
(1) Translated from "A Sabedoria dos Árabes", Seleção e tradução de Ary de Mesquita, Ediouro/Tecnoprint, RJ, 1986, 114 pp., see p. 52.
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