Apr 28, 2006 11:23 AM
by carlosaveline
Chuck and Friends,
Daniel Caldwell has been denouncing Robert Crosbie, the ULT founder, for having NOT kept a vow of blind obedience to K. Tingley.
Yet it is clear enough that this kind of vow esoterically does not exist.
Any deep and true commitment is made to one's own heart and is always subject to the approval of one's own conscience.
Abandoning one's conscience, Chuck, to obey someone else's orders, THIS IS JESUITRY.
Such a point has fundamental importance for those who belong AND for who don't belong to inner schools.
Not long ago I discussed with Cass issues related to it. We examined the examples of Socrates of Athens and Julian the "Apostate", as narrated by HPB. We examined the limits of outer, organizational, initiation to the mysteries tradition. Such an physical "initiation" may be extremely important and positive -- if it does not lead to blind obedience.
The Theosophical Movement was not meant to be reduced to an "esoteric popery", to use the strong expression present in the 1900 Letter to Annie Besant (which we also discussed here).
Remember the recent postings quoting Buddha, etc., on the autonomy of the disciple. In the Buddha system, there were vows, but no jesuitry.
As to me, I am happy with the presence of a kind of inner commitmment in the movement which does not prevent the development of independence and
individual responsibility for what we do.
Your own conscience is the witness of your commitment to Life.
Best regards, Carlos.
Data:Fri, 28 Apr 2006 13:31:35 EDT
Assunto:Re: Theos-World Theosophists Are No Jesuits
> In a message dated 4/28/2006 11:51:09 AM Central Standard Time,
> writes:
> I mention the Vatican as a paradigm of blind obedience which potentially
> applies to many other contexts.
> I understand, but it really looks strange when people read it. You must
> understand that a goodly number, if not most, of the folks on this list are in
> the US and in the United States even Catholics do not obey the Vatican, or
> even take it very seriously, so for us the reference does not work very well.
> It sounds like a throwback to some weird conspiracy theory.
> Chuck the Heretic
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