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Apr 25, 2006 11:35 AM
by carlosaveline

Dear Friends,

We can judge and evaluate those events (see below) by their results, as recommended in the first lines of Letter 10, non-ch. edition, of the Mahatma Letters.

The creation of the ULT by  Robert Crosbie brought a long term common sense trend to a growing sector of the movement. 

As to the Pasadena TS, after a few decades, it also got over its crisis and has been giving important editorial and other contributions to the movement. 

We should have more to do than plant and feed dissention.

The importance of getting rid of Leadbeater/Besant fancies is that then we can go ahead with the movement on a healthier basis and -- HELP MANKIND.

Helping mankind will enhance our ability to receive higher guidance and inspiration, both individually and coolectively.   

We should get rid of some of our past mistakes, including "occult gossips" and unending power struggles, and cast, or project, a compassionate look at humanity as a whole: from the  Dharfur humanitarian crisis ( 200,000 people slowly dying) to the excess of CO2 in the atmosphere.

Perhaps even Daniel could help the movement in moving beyond fancies and gossips and in making the active relationship between the philosophy of Theosophy and the challenges humanity must face right now and in the years ahead. 

The theosophical movement has a role to play and should feel co-responsible for the present state of human affairs. 

Best regards,   Carlos.


Data:Tue, 25 Apr 2006 17:23:27 -0000

Assunto:[Spam] Theos-World Robert Crosbie's 1907 Opinion of Katherine Tingley

> In 1907 Robert Crosbie wrote the following concerning
> his former teacher Katherine Tingley:
> =============================================
> ....She tried of course in every way to change my determination, but 
> finding me unchangeable, she let me go, and as I afterwards heard, 
> gave out that she had sent me away for "bad conduct" - just what I 
> do not know. This of course, to "save her own face" as the Chinese 
> say. I am quite will aware of her capacities in the above direction 
> form the history of others who had discovered her real character, 
> and left; there is no slander too low or mean for her to use in such 
> cases to justify herself. Sorry as I am to say it, such is the 
> character of Katherine Tingley, the Leader of the Theosophical 
> Movement Throughout the World, as she styles herself - (there is 
> more of it that is simply too nauseating to write.) It was a hard 
> schooling for me, but it had its good uses and effects. I feel no 
> enmity towards her; I truly pity her and would help her do right any 
> time it might be in my power. I also feel most deeply towards those 
> who are held in mental bondage by her; but nothing can be done - 
> they must open their own eyes, they are not in a condition to have 
> them opened by anyone else.
> . . . She will also speak in Belasco Theater on Sunday eve on "Some 
> Practical Lessons in Human Life", and will doubtless present a fair 
> picture to the mind's eye; and yet she is as I have said. Those who 
> see these pictures would not believe anything different from what 
> they see - and she knows it, and preys upon the best and noblest in 
> human nature for her own ends. I tremble for the Karma she 
> invokes. . . . 
> =========================================================
> Quoted from:
> Compare Mr. Crosbie's estimation of Mrs. Tingley given above 
> with what he himself said about her less than 5 years BEFORE:
> ==========================================================
> May 1902 Address by Robert Crosbie in which Katherine Tingley is 
> Highly Praised
> ". . . We who have the privilege of assembling at this place and 
> taking part in this ceremony of sweet and grateful remembrance---
> know that the establishment of this great Center [by Mrs. Tingley at 
> Point Loma, California] is a realization of what William Q. Judge 
> lived for, worked for, hoped for, and we cannot but feel deep in our 
> hearts that he knows and rejoices with us today. 
> We feel that he knows of the self-sacrificing efforts made by the 
> faithful ones, and that those efforts have been called forth by his 
> chosen successor [Mrs. Tingley], of whom he said, "she is true as 
> steel, as clear as diamond, and as lasting as time." 
> By her work has she [Mrs. Tingley] shown to all men her fitness to 
> demonstrate the principles laid down by H.P. Blavatsky and W.Q. 
> Judge, by making them practical in the daily life of mankind. 
> Her [Mrs. Tingley's] work and our work stand today as an offering of 
> gratitude and love to that noble soul and loving human heart, whom 
> we knew as W.Q. Judge." 
> =============================================================
> In the above address, Mr. Crosbie even quotes from Mr. Judge's 
> occult diary in which Judge said:
> "she [Mrs. Tingley] is true as steel, as clear as diamond, and as 
> lasting as time." 
> Now one of the questions to ask as you compare and contrast these 
> differing views of Mr. Crosbie:
> Who really changed between 1902 and 1907? Had Mrs. Tingley really 
> changed that much? Or had Mr. Crosbie or his attitudes changed?
> Furthermore,
> could Mr. Crosbie's 1907 view of Mrs. Tingley be considered an
> "attack" on Mrs. Tingley???
> etc. etc.
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