On the Authority of the Heart
Apr 24, 2006 03:25 PM
by carlosaveline
Daniel and Friends,
Again, my statements, quoted by you, are correct.
As many students know, there are several levels of consciousness in one's heart, and some of them are quite beyond "self".
But real inspiration comes THROUGH or IN HARMONY WITH one's own best judgement and intuition (buddhi-manas, heart), and NOT from outside it, exactly as stated in that Buddha's quotation brought to us by Cass yesterday (I owe you the bibliographical reference for that!).
So autonomy is always of the essence since the good karma of the action must belong to the student himself, and the student is and can be no-man's slave.
The main criteria as to see what is authentic -- ULT's line or Besant/Leadbeater's line of action -- cannot be found in WORDS written two or three generations ago. The main instrument for evaluation depends on the fruits of the actions.
We must compare Robert Crosbie common sense, calm, non-spectacular action after 1909 with Besant's festival of initiations, the Christ coming back, CWL's scandals, his visits to MARS, and all that, since Olcott's death in 1907.
Since 1909, I do not think the ULT has to hide, abandon or drop out any of its writings. Meanwhile CWL's and AB's boks are being "adapted", abandoned, etc.
So the tree must be known by its fruits, and, in that, the New Testament is perfectly right.
As to the Pasadena TS, it is more complex -- and we cannot discuss everything at the same time.
But I must say I have a tremendous respect for the Pasadena TS and owe it a lot as a student.
I hope that helps.
Best regards, Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Data:Mon, 24 Apr 2006 20:35:36 -0000
Assunto:Theos-World "the authority of his [her] own Heart": Crosbie and Besant
> The question was asked:
> =====================================================
> It is clear H.P.B. issued the esoteric instructions at the direction
> of the Masters.
> But years after the deaths of both H.P.B. and Judge,
> who gave Robert Crosbie the authority or right to go against his
> pledges & reissue H.P.B.'s esoteric instructions to new students
> under an oath of silence and secrecy?
> =====================================================
> Carlos comments:
> =========================================================
> As to "authority", the only authority a Theosophist must obey to,
> is the authority of his own Heart.
> And no true Master will ever disrespect the authority of his
> Disciple's Heart.
> =========================================================
> Carlos, let me see if I can understand your reasoning here.
> Are you saying that when it was asked on whose authority did Crosbie
> reissue HPB's esoteric instructions, you are basically saying that
> it was sufficient at least for you according to your above reasoning
> if Crosbie did it based on "the authority of his own Heart"?
> If this is what you are telling us, then
> I assume you would not necessarily agree with the editors of
> Theosophy Magazine when they wrote:
> "in reprinting these [HPB's esoteric instructions], Mrs.
> Besant . . . broke the seventh clause of her solemn pledge as a
> member of the Esoteric School...."
> Because IF it is okay if Mr. Crosbie reprinted these papers based
> on "the authority of his own Heart", then maybe Mrs. Besant
> reprinted them based primarily on "the authority of her own Heart."
> Would you agree?
> And you add:
> "...no true Master will ever disrespect the authority of his
> Disciple's Heart."
> So wouldn't you agree that the Theosophy editors may have jumped to
> conclusions and were too harsh when they wrote:
> "in reprinting these [HPB's esoteric instructions], Mrs.
> Besant . . . broke the seventh clause of her solemn pledge...."???
> Daniel
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