Slanderers, Smart Guys?
Apr 20, 2006 01:06 PM
by carlosaveline
Indeed, not all that are not slanderers have to be hagiographers.
For some people, only the slanderers are "smart guys".
Slanderers seem to think they are extremely clever and even scholarly, humbly putting themselves above all respect for Philosophy
or philosophers.
The worst kind of ignorant is he who considers himself too clever.
Best regards, Carlos.
Data:Thu, 20 Apr 2006 19:51:23 -0000
Assunto:Theos-World The First Public Review : Re: The Algeo HPB Letters and John Cooper
> Daniel,
> Are you trying to provide us with the first review of the new volume?
> Nobody, so far as I know, has even read a draft copy as of yet.
> Still, the early bird catches the worm, and as truth does not seem to
> be a criteria for some people, why wait?
> Bruce
> --- In, "danielhcaldwell"
> wrote:
> > I bring this up because one of my correspondents is
> > already referring to the proposed new Volume I
> > of HPB letters (which has been announced in the pages
> > of FOHAT) as "the hagiographer's edition."
> > Daniel
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