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Chuck & HPB

Apr 04, 2006 06:28 AM
by carlosaveline cardoso aveline


Your postings are getting deeper and deeper in the ocean of philosophical perceptions.
Very much indeed.


Subject: Re: Theos-World HPB, Socrates and Julian
Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2006 11:23:18 EDT

In a message dated 4/3/2006 9:42:38 AM Central Standard Time, writes:

“Julian died for the same crime as Socrates. Both divulged a portion of
the solar mystery, the heliocentric system being only a part of what was
given during Initiation – one consciously (1) , the other unconsciously, the
Greek Sage never having been initiated. It was not the real solar system
that was preserved in such secrecy, but the mysteries connected with the
Sun’s constitution. Socrates was sentenced to death by earthly and worldly
judges; Julian died a violent death because the hitherto protecting hand was
withdrawn from him, and, no longer shielded by it, he was simply left to his
destiny or Karma. For the student of Occultism there is a suggestive
difference between the two kinds of death.” (2)

What a load of hooey!

HPB must have been laughing her head off when she made that one up.

Julian died because of stupidity. He went into battle and forgot, quite
literally, to put his armor on. Socrates died because his students managed to
help Athens lose the Pellopensian War (and I sure that I screwed up the
spelling there) and the Athenians were rather annoyed at him for it. What any of
that has to do with some ridiculous secret involving a big, buring gas ball is
beyond the stretch of the imagination of anyone other than a big, Victorian
gas bag. And there were lots of them running around in those days. They
were her market.

Chuck the Heretic

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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