Re: Theos-World HPB, Socrates and Julian
Apr 03, 2006 08:23 AM
by Drpsionic
=E2=80=9CJulian died for the same crime as Socrates. Both divulged a port=
ion of=20=20=20
the solar mystery, the heliocentric system being only a part of what was =
given during Initiation =E2=80=93 one consciously (1) , the other unconscio=
usly, the=20
Greek Sage never having been initiated. It was not the real solar system=
that was preserved in such secrecy, but the mysteries connected with the=
Sun=E2=80=99s constitution. Socrates was sentenced to death by earthly an=
d worldly=20
judges; Julian died a violent death because the hitherto protecting hand w=
withdrawn from him, and, no longer shielded by it, he was simply left to h=
destiny or Karma. For the student of Occultism there is a suggestive=20=20
difference between the two kinds of death.=E2=80=9D (2)
What a load of hooey!
HPB must have been laughing her head off when she made that one up.
Julian died because of stupidity. He went into battle and forgot, quite=20
literally, to put his armor on. Socrates died because his students manage=
d to=20
help Athens lose the Pellopensian War (and I sure that I screwed up the=20
spelling there) and the Athenians were rather annoyed at him for it. What=
any of=20
that has to do with some ridiculous secret involving a big, buring gas bal=
l is=20
beyond the stretch of the imagination of anyone other than a big, Victoria=
gas bag. And there were lots of them running around in those days. They=
were her market.
Chuck the Heretic
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