Cass- Christian Fundamentalist Excommunications
Mar 23, 2006 10:37 PM
by Vincent
Yes, the fundamentalist Christians took much too long to
excommunicate me. In fact, they probably wasted alot of my precious
time, but I may as well blame myself for that, having been there in
the first place.
--- In, Cass Silva <silva_cass@...> wrote:
> When Leo Tolstoy was excommunicated from the Russian Church, his
response was, what took them so long.
> Cass
> Vincent <vblaz2004@...> wrote: Jerry-
> You wrote:
> "Dear Vince,
> Yes, I agree that we are in a similar boat, but got there in
> different ways. The three topics that my parents never discussed
> front of the children were religion, politics and race. So, I
> really discovered these things until I was about twelve--and then,
> on my own. They then became subjects of primary interest. Since I
> had no religious instruction from home, lived in a Jewish
> neighborhood, and attended a public school where everyone was
> Jewish, I just half assumed that I was a Jew, like everyone else."
> Hhmm, okay. Interesting. My mother has characteristically been
> privately religious (believes in God, but doesn't read the Bible
> attend church), whereas my father has been more anti-religious
> (can't stand Christians or the Bible). But then the religious
> institutions were quick to educate me in their religious agenda,
> just so long as I'd be sincere, believing with the heart prior to
> thinking with the mind. Nonetheless, my questions caused me to be
> labeled as a thinker.
> "As I entered my teens, I discovered the beatniks at Venice
> and used to hang around them. My mother became alarmed and
> that I must be becoming a "juvenile delinquent" and began to take
> to a very conservative Lutheran Church. That was my first formal
> contact with Christianity. I found the services and sermons
> curious. Lots of mysticism about an invisible god, a ressurected
> man, and promise of an afterlife if I believed the right things."
> That's actually a little bit ironic. My mom took my brother and I
> to a Lutheran Church when my brother was becoming a 'delinquent'.
> (I was too young at the time for delinquency.) Years later I
> having metaphysical experiences (without drug usage), so I started
> attending church on my own to learn about the supernatural. Of
> course, they eventually told me that my metaphysical experiences
> were bad, and that I needed to repent of them.
> "The problem was that I didn't feel like I was damned. I
> understood about right and wrong actions, but this idea of "sin"
> strange. Why should Eve's eating of an apple have anything to do
> with me? After all, it was she who screwed up, not me. Soon we
> began going to classes to learn about the religion. The notion of
> original sin remain illogical. I couldn't buy it."
> Now me, I felt damned. I noticed alot of crime transpiring in the
> world around me, although I was one to keep my nose clean. But
> of people in my youth were outright criminally violent. So I got
> the sin part down pretty well. Nowadays though, I feel quite a
> different about sin concepts and where they originate from, but I
> was just a preteen then.
> "The Pastor spent most of his time talking about why Catholicism
> is in error and how awful the Jew were. One night the Pastor told
> us that God is only now beginning to forgive the Jews for killing
> Jesus. That was the first time I ever heard such a thing and the
> remark deeply disturbed me. All of my friends were Jews and I
> find them awful at all. The implication I got in the Pastor's
> remark, was that God must have been pleased with Hitler's
> extermination of the Jews."
> That sounds a little bit like one of the comments that a former
> pastor of mine made about desiring to nuke the middle-east, to
> exterminate the races that Moses and Joshua missed during their
> Testament genocide campaigns. Except he wanted the United States
> carry it out, so Israel could get back the majority of the middle-
> east territory like God had promised them in the Old Testament.
> More pro-Jew than anti-Jew, but into USA-originated nuclear
> just the same.
> "So, other than the unfortunate encounter with the Lutheran
> Pastor, I entered a study of Christianity with pretty much of a
> clean slate, and began by reading, on my own, the New English
> of the NT, which had just been published for the first time.
> I was delighted to discover that the three wise men were
> called "astrologers." That delighted me because I had recently
> discovered that my aunt practiced astrology professionally, but
> of respect for my mother's wishes, never mentioned it to me. So,
> from the beginning, my investigation into Christianity had no
> theological guidance, which left me to my own resources to make of
> it what I could."
> I noticed the part about the three 'magi' (mages, magicians) too.
> The Bible is actually very metaphysical.
> "When the Nag Hammadi codices were published in translation
> 1970, I raced to the Bodhi Tree Bookstore and bought a copy. I
> began reading more scholarly commentaries on Christianity,
> and Gnostic texts, beginning with Elaine Pagel's writings. While
> all of this was happening, I attended churches and talked casually
> to ministers of various denominations. When we moved to Northern
> California, my wife and I began attending the Unitarian
> Church where a member with mainline Christian beliefs is not to be
> found."
> When I accumulated volumes containing a total of about 300
> pseudopigraphal texts, I was strictly told that I was straying
> heretical texts by fundamentalist Christians. I only discovered
> existence of unitarian churches this last year, but they are all a
> half hour away from me. I'm surrounded by Christian
> megachurches where the pastoral salaries often exceed $100 grand.
> congregation of 5000 people is just too small nowadays in my area.
> "So, like you I discovered that the Bible is misrepresented by a
> strange theological structure, but took a very different route to
> end up in the same place. When we started the Origins of
> Christianity class two years ago, I discovered that there were a
> of barriers to communication. Theological conditioning from years
> church going was to blame. One of them is as you mentioned: The
> Gospels read very differently from the theological
> One member or out group who was raised in a conservative Christian
> home discovered this when we began studying Judaism and
> investigating the Hebrew scriptures."
> I believe that shortcomings in present-day cultural norms distort
> biblical interpretation quite a bit.
> "Some other barriers that met with considerable resistance were:
> 1. The Gospels were not written to be historical accounts of
> Jesus' life. Rather, they are evangelical tracts written for the
> purpose of gaining converts and to answer the objections of
> of the early Christians."
> Okay, I never heard that one before.
> "2. One must therefore, make a distinction between the
> Jesus, the Jesus represented in the Gospels, and the theological
> Jesus."
> I just tend to differentiate between the Jesus of the Bible and
> Jesus of Christian fundamentalists. They don't seem quite the
> "3. There were, in the beginning dozens of Christian communities
> with very divergent beliefs. Many of them had Gospels and
> writings of their own. Most of these writings were destroyed
> Christianity was declared the only legal religion of the empire.
> That is, the variety of Christianity adopted by the Emperor of
> Okay, I follow. Government definitely got heavily involved. Very
> political.
> "4. Since these other Christian communities, later
> called "gnostics," were outlawed and their writings destroyed, we
> know little about them except through a few meager texts that
> survived, and through the criticisms of the canonical church
> fathers."
> I got labeled as a gnostic too by the fundamentalist church
> formal excommunication. The funny thing though was that I was
> actually agnostic when the church declared me to be gnostic. Go
> figure.
> "5. The members of these other Christian communities considered
> themselves to be just as Christian as those belonging to the sect
> adopted by the Emperors."
> I'm sure they did. Jesus probably fell in the same boat.
> "6. Critical works of Christianity written by philosophers and
> other learned people were systematically destroyed. All that
> survives are the reconstructed writings of Porphyry, Celsus, and
> preserved orations of the apostate Emperor Julian."
> I'm not famiiar with those.
> "7. Because of 4 and 6, our knowledge of the earliest history of
> the Christian movement is fragmentary, biased in favor of the
> Roman church, and much is left to conjecture and theological
> manipulation."
> Perhaps some form of metaphysical revelation will have to suffice
> then. I interpret the Bible metaphysically for the most part,
> although simultaneously aware of what the literal text says.
> Vince
> --- In, Jerry Hejka-Ekins
> wrote:
> >
> > Dear Vince,
> >
> > Yes, I agree that we are in a similar boat, but got there in
> > different ways. The three topics that my parents never
> in
> > front of the children were religion, politics and race. So, I
> never
> > really discovered these things until I was about twelve--and
> on my
> > own. They then became subjects of primary interest. Since I had
> no
> > religious instruction from home, lived in a Jewish neighborhood,
> and
> > attended a public school where everyone was Jewish, I just half
> assumed
> > that I was a Jew, like everyone else.
> >
> > As I entered my teens, I discovered the beatniks at Venice
> and
> > used to hang around them. My mother became alarmed and decided
> that I
> > must be becoming a "juvenile delinquent" and began to take me to
> very
> > conservative Lutheran Church. That was my first formal contact
> with
> > Christianity. I found the services and sermons curious. Lots of
> > mysticism about an invisible god, a ressurected man, and promise
> of an
> > afterlife if I believed the right things. The problem was that
> didn't
> > feel like I was damned. I understood about right and wrong
> actions, but
> > this idea of "sin" was strange. Why should Eve's eating of an
> apple have
> > anything to do with me? After all, it was she who screwed up,
> me.
> > Soon we began going to classes to learn about the religion. The
> notion
> > of original sin remain illogical. I couldn't buy it.
> >
> > The Pastor spent most of his time talking about why Catholicism
> in
> > error and how awful the Jew were. One night the Pastor told us
> that God
> > is only now beginning to forgive the Jews for killing Jesus.
> was
> > the first time I ever heard such a thing and the remark deeply
> disturbed
> > me. All of my friends were Jews and I didn't find them awful at
> all. The
> > implication I got in the Pastor's remark, was that God must have
> been
> > pleased with Hitler's attempted extermination of the Jews.
> >
> > So, other than the unfortunate encounter with the Lutheran
> I
> > entered a study of Christianity with pretty much of a clean
> and
> > began by reading, on my own, the New English Bible of the NT,
> which had
> > just been published for the first time. There I was delighted
> > discover that the three wise men were called "astrologers."
> > delighted me because I had recently discovered that my aunt
> practiced
> > astrology professionally, but out of respect for my mother's
> wishes,
> > never mentioned it to me. So, from the beginning, my
> investigation into
> > Christianity had no theological guidance, which left me to my
> > resources to make of it what I could.
> >
> > When the Nag Hammadi codices were published in translation
> 1970,
> > I raced to the Bodhi Tree Bookstore and bought a copy. I then
> began
> > reading more scholarly commentaries on Christianity, Christian
> > Gnostic texts, beginning with Elaine Pagel's writings. While
> of
> > this was happening, I attended churches and talked casually to
> ministers
> > of various denominations. When we moved to Northern California,
> wife
> > and I began attending the Unitarian Universalist Church where a
> member
> > with mainline Christian beliefs is not to be found.
> >
> > So, like you I discovered that the Bible is misrepresented by a
> strange
> > theological structure, but took a very different route to end up
> in the
> > same place. When we started the Origins of Christianity class
> years
> > ago, I discovered that there were a lot of barriers to
> communication.
> > Theological conditioning from years of church going was to
> One
> > of them is as you mentioned: The Gospels read very differently
> from the
> > theological interpretations. One member or out group who was
> raised in a
> > conservative Christian home discovered this when we began
> > Judaism and investigating the Hebrew scriptures.
> >
> > Some other barriers that met with considerable resistance were:
> >
> > 1. The Gospels were not written to be historical accounts of
> Jesus'
> > life. Rather, they are evangelical tracts written for the
> of
> > gaining converts and to answer the objections of critics of the
> early
> > Christians.
> >
> > 2. One must therefore, make a distinction between the historical
> Jesus,
> > the Jesus represented in the Gospels, and the theological Jesus.
> >
> > 3. There were, in the beginning dozens of Christian communities
> with
> > very divergent beliefs. Many of them had Gospels and religious
> writings
> > of their own. Most of these writings were destroyed after
> Christianity
> > was declared the only legal religion of the empire. That is,
> > variety of Christianity adopted by the Emperor of Rome.
> >
> > 4. Since these other Christian communities, later
> called "gnostics,"
> > were outlawed and their writings destroyed, we know little about
> them
> > except through a few meager texts that survived, and through the
> > criticisms of the canonical church fathers.
> >
> > 5. The members of these other Christian communities considered
> > themselves to be just as Christian as those belonging to the
> > adopted by the Emperors.
> >
> > 6. Critical works of Christianity written by philosophers and
> other
> > learned people were systematically destroyed. All that survives
> are the
> > reconstructed writings of Porphyry, Celsus, and the preserved
> orations
> > of the apostate Emperor Julian.
> >
> > 7. Because of 4 and 6, our knowledge of the earliest history of
> the
> > Christian movement is fragmentary, biased in favor of the early
> Roman
> > church, and much is left to conjecture and theological
> manipulation.
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