Solovyof the Author of the "Spy Letter"
Mar 15, 2006 06:07 AM
by carlosaveline cardoso aveline
Dear Friends,
Mr. Vsevolod Soloyof, considered by H. S. Olcott in his "Old Diary Leaves"
as being "50 times" worse than the Coulombs, was the author ot the "Russian
Spy Letter", which he ascribed to H.P.B.
H. P. Blavatsky comments on such a false document, in a letter she writes to
Mr. Sinnett:
"And to think (...)_ that your government here and in India is so stupidly
short sighted as not to see, that not only I am not, nor even was a Russian
Spy (...) (1)
"The he [ Solovyof] said that he had seen in the Secret Dept. documents in
which I had offered myself as a Spy of the Russian Govt.". (2)
And then HPB reveals the level of personal ethics of Mr. Solovyof:
"I will make the story of the man who accuses me of immorality in my youth,
known to the whole world -- and show him living with his wife's sister whom
he seduced, and passing her off as a legitimate wife!" (3)
Of course, John Algeo, Katia Hesserlink, Daniel Caldwell, Paul Johnson and
others CANNOT take HPB's words and testimony into consideration, not even
H. S. Olcott's words.
If they did, they would not be able to slander her as they have been doing
for years now.
But I recommend you to get the book I am quoting from and read all of it.
Being a Russian yourself, you should be better informed.
Best regards, Carlos.
O o o O o o O o o O o o O o o O o o O o o o
(1) "The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett", T.U.P., Pasadena, p.
(2) "The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett", T.U.P., Pasadena, p.
(3) "The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett", T.U.P., Pasadena,
same p. 208.
From: "Konstantin Zaitzev" <>
Subject: Theos-World Spy letter
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2006 13:27:51 -0000
--- In, "carlosaveline cardoso aveline"
<carlosaveline@...> wrote:
> What is it that you call "Leadbeater's evidence", that HPB knew
I see you hate Leadbeater so much that you are ready to bury HPB with
him together.
> Perhaps he knew HPB talked Arabic because he learned Arabic himself
in Mars?
What bearing has Mars to the Spy Letter?
Your spam about Mars became quite a nuiscense.
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- References:
- Spy letter
- From: "Konstantin Zaitzev" <>
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